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Damsel in Distress

"Hahahaha you will never be able to escape. C'mon Basanti, dance for me. Dance Basanti dance", Gabar cried hysterically, holding both her hands in his tight grip. 

"Hahahaha", Gabar's men laughed in chorus. Kaaliya, Gabar's right hand man laughed the loudest. Kaaliya had eaten lot of salt thanks to his master and hence he had to laugh the loudest to prove his loyalty. 

Basanti tried to resist, but to no avail. She looks angrily at Gabar. He looked back at her, licking his lips.

"Cry as much you want Basanti, but no one is going to come to help you", Gabar laughed.

"GABAAR....You don't know my Mohan Chetta. He is faster than the wind, stronger than the mountains, more terrorising than Bin Laden himself. He will come and rescue me from your evil clutches you big brute", Basanti cried.

"Mohan Chetta? Who the bloody f**k is that?"

"He is my heartthrob, my price charming, the most handsome man in the universe", Basanti blushed.

"Oh I am soo scared", Gabar said sarcastically with a fake scare on his face and laughing.

"You will not stand a chance against my mighty Mohan Chetta", Basanti retorted back angrily.

"Then call out to your Mohan Chakka...Or whatever his name is. Let's see how brave he is!! I dare you", Gabar shouted, thumping his chest with both his hands with eyes glaring and face growing red with each minute.

"Its Chetta you moron. And you are going to regret this". With that she let out a cry

"Mohan Chetttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..................."

The ground shook under their feet. Black clouds swirled around in the sky. Lightning flashes came spraying down. Winds started blowing from all directions. 

Gabar and his men could hardly understand what the hell was going on. 

And then it happened. The forest parted to both the sides to provide the scene needed for the mass entry. And sure enough there he was - our hero - muscles ripping all over his body, hardly an ounce of fat anywhere to be found. Even in her terrifying situation Basanti licked her lips. And then came his signature move.

"Basanti Moleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Basanti let out a cry of excitement. "Mohan Chetta you came for me!". 

"How can I not come babe? Did these guys hurt you", Mohan asked, looking at Gabar, Kaaliya and rest of the men with a scorn. 

Basanti turned around and looked. Gabar was seething with anger.

"Him", she said, pointing towards Gabar. "He gave me a lot of pain dear".

"Then he will not survive to see another sunrise my love", Mohan said, grinding his teeth.

Mohan looked at Gabar with glaring eyes. Gabar saw the fire in his eyes. He knew Mohan was not someone who will go down easily.

"Kaaliya, go and kick his ass", Gabar shouted. Gabar's right hand man got the shock of his life.

"Me Sarkar?", Kaaliya asked with a shaking voice.

"Tune mera namak khaya hei Kaaliya. Jaa be"

Kaaliya had no other choice. His stock of salt was at stake. He rushed towards his opponent.

But little did Kaaliya know that Mohan was a black belt in Aadu Thoma School of Kalari, which specialised in overpowering opponents through complicated moves involving one's Dhoti - Mundu in South India.  

As soon as Kaaliya came close and raised his fists to punch Mohan on his face, in a swift move Mohan moved to the side, removed his mundu with his left hand and at the same time caught hold of Kaaliya's neck by his right. Mohan then threw the mundu over Kaaliya's head entirely. Kaaliya was trapped. His muffled sounds could barely be heard. 

Mohan turns towards Gabar, his right hand tighly holding onto the mundu covering Kaaliya's face. With a wicked smile Mohan slowly lifted his left hand, moved it backwards, turned to face his hapless opponent. He was about to punch him in his face when he suddenly realised that Kaaliya was no longer moving.

Mohan shook him couple of times. Nothing. No movement. 

"Damn it, this idiot is ruining my moment", thought Mohan. He shook him again. Still nothing. He removes the mundu from Kaaliya's head. Kaaliya was looking blank, with eyes popped out and mouth wide open. He was unconscious.

Mohan lets go of the Kaaliya.


Kaaliya falls to the ground and lies still like a dead log. Mohan looks confused. He looks at the mundu he held in his hands. Feeling some doubt, he brings it close to his nose.

"What the fuck. Yuck!!!". Mohan holds his nose and turns his face away. He looks at Kaaliya who was lying on the ground

"Sorry man. Usually it is not so bad!"

Mohan puts back his mundu, tucks it in, holds Basanti's hands. 

"C'mon babe let's get out of here"

Basanti hugs Mohan tightly. Then she looks him into his eyes. "You saved me Mohan Chetta. You are my hero".  She brings her lips slowly closer to Mohan's face. 

"I love you babe". Mohan pouted his lips and came closer to meet Basanti's lips. 

Just as the divine interlocking was about to happen, Mohan felt someone scratching his back.

Mohan turned his head. "Yes?". It was Gabar. "You think you can walk away with my prize so easily?"

Before Mohan could realise what was happening, a kick landed right on his ass. Mohan went flying across the space. 


Mohan opened his eyes. The forest, Basanti, Gabar, Kaaliya - all gone. In their place stood Manjulla. And from behind her, a face emerged, grinning - Kittunni. 

Clock on the bedside showed 7 am.

"Oh Darn! Why should it always be a dream", Mohan thought sadly.

He looks up at Manjulla. She had both her hands on the side of her hips as she looked down angrily at him. Mohan grins back, sheepishly. His cheeks were as red as it could be.

"Basanti?", Manjulla asked, with one eyebrow raised?

"Err sorry what dear?", Mohan asked softly, feigning ignorance.

"Who is this Basanti Mol?"

"Ahem...Sorry who?Basanti Mol? Never heard that name before dear. Who is that?". He gets up, rubbing his ass. It was paining like hell.

Kittunni was furious. "Manju, why the hell did you kick Acha on his butt. He was about to kiss her. You ruined it".

Mohan gave a big gulp. "Gone", he thought. He knew he was done for. Looks like he was shouting in his dreams. Nothing could save him from Manju now.

Manjulla looked sternly at Kittuni - "Kittu, I have told you multiple times don't call your parents by their names". She then turned to Mohan, her anger boiling over. Mohan felt he was standing before Goddess Kali herself, just that it was his head in her hands, not some bloody Asura's.

"So?", she asks, voice filled with anger. 

Mohan kept grinning.

Irritated, she she turns and just walks off mumbling, "Tons of work to be done the whole day and he has nothing better other than dreaming about Basanti Mols and other babes"

For next few seconds it was as if the world had come to a standstill for Mohan.

"Whew, that was close", Mohan thought, regaining his composure. He had expected atleast a coconut or a tawa to have landed on his head.

Kittunni comes upto him. He takes Mohan's hands and lays his owns hands over Mohan's. In a sympathetic voice he says,

"Acha I am really sorry you couldn't kiss Basanti. Next time I will make sure you will get enough time to finish it"

Mohan's face turned from Red to Blue



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