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Showing posts from July, 2010

Art of Negotiation

It's been 2 weeks now since I joined Brocade in bangalore. We were informed beforehand that for the first 3 weeks we would be undergoing training in soft skills. Each day, a new topic is chosen and deliberated upon. Since it was happening in a 5 star hotel, along with free lunch, we had no reasons to complaint. Today, as usual, a new day, a new topic. The topic of the day today was "Negotiating Skills" . As part of this, all of us had to take part in a role play where the 32 of us were divided into 2 groups. One group will be the employees of the company TechPartner (TP) whereas the other group will represent the company MegaHard (MH) . Each group was given a sheet which contained details of only their own company, but it contained no details whatsoever about the company the other group represents. Each member of TP was mapped to a member of MH and both of them had to negotiate a successful deal favorable to both the companies so as to to replace the current contract...

Those were the best days of my life

This blog is dedicated to all my friends of CSE MTech 2008-10/11 batch. I miss you guys so much. The golden era has come to an end. 2010 June 2nd, 3:20 pm - the final journey homewards from IITB. Many of my friends had already left and the campus was wearing a deserted look. It was one of those moments which I had dreaded long ago, but I had kept convincing myself that this moment would never come, so much so that it was a little too much to handle when the moment did arrive. I was fortunate enough that almost all my friends who were still left in the campus had come to see me off. It is a moment that will be ingrained in my memory forever. IITB - a place that truly made me, helped me realize myself, helped me make the person I am now. I have never known how much this place meant to me, but now when I sit at home typing this post, I realize that I have left a part of me there forever, a part which will always want me to come back to that campus again and again. Now that I have all ...