Have you ever had an experience where you knew, or rather, expected, that the next few seconds may well be your life's last? Well, I had one such experience years ago. It had such an impact on me that I am sure even if amnesia conquers me, it will never be able to get rid of this little piece of memory from my head. This one experience, more than anything that has happened to me till now, have made me realize the beauty of the entity called life.
I think it was when I was around 9 or 10 years old. My father had bought me a new cycle some months back and from then on cycling substituted walking as my chief mode of transport. Irrespective of whether the distance was too small or too far, me and my cycle were inseparable. During that time I had a friend called Naveen. He used to stay in a lane near to my house. His house was such that it was almost like being on the top of a hill since the lane was a steep climb upwards and his house was at the end of this lane. Starting from his house, this lane came downwards and joined the main road. Either side of this lane was covered with houses so that a vehicle starting from his house will never be able to see the vehicles coming from the left or right ends of the main road until the vehicle reaches the path where the lane joined the main road and formed a sort of tri-road junction like a T shape.
Naveen and I used to be very good friends. Since we were in the same class, we used to meet almost everyday. During weekends I sometimes used to go to his house in the evenings. One day he told me in class that the coming saturday was his birthday and that he wants me to come for the his birthday party. During those days, almost everyone in the class celebrated their birthdays by having a birthday party. I readily agreed and so it was decided that I will be at his house at around 4 pm on saturday.
Come saturday evening, I dressed up, took my cycle and rode to Naveen's house. The party began at around 4:30 pm and everyone had a wonderful time. By 6 pm the party came to an end and everyone was saying goodbye to each other and departing. Since my house was the closest, I waited till everyone has gone and then atlast I too decided to leave. By this time it was growing a bit dark also.
After taking leave of Naveen, I got on to my cycle my cycle and started pedalling till I reached his house gate. Since his house was on the top of a "hill", it was a steep ride "downhill". So I let gravity take over and relaxed as the cycle gained speed. Midway through the journey I thought the cycle had gained too much speed and pressed the breaks a little to slow down the cycle.
Nothing happened.
Hmm Looks like the breaks are not in good condition. I guess the cycle needs to be serviced.
I pressed the breaks a little more.
Still nothing happened.
I started getting worried. I pressed the breaks to the full extent.
I pressed the brakes again and again. Nothing was happening.The breaks were not working at all!!!!!!
I panicked big time. The cycle was gaining speed each second. In my frantic efforts, I just kept pressing the brakes over and over again hoping for some miracle each time.
The result was the same.
Since the lane had houses on both left and right sides, I could not even see whether there were any vehicles coming from the left or right end of the main road. The only part of the main road I could see was that part where the lane merged with the main road, ie, the junction, which was straight ahead. I thought of diving from the cycle. but the cycle had gained too much speed by then that I was sure I would crash my head if I did so. I thought of shouting out help. But no sound came from my throat. I was too scared. I had only one option left. Let the cycle continue down the path and hope for the best. Any high speeding vehicle passes through the junction, at the exact moment I reach the junction, and I was history.
Around 5 seconds to reach the junction.
I started sweating...
4 seconds...
I gripped my cycle harder
3 seconds...
One bus just went past the junction
2 seconds...
I could see stars all around my head
1 second...
I now knew it was now or never. I gripped my cycle with all the strength I could muster, called upon all gods whose names I knew, and on reaching the junction turned right. I closed my eyes expecting something to hit me from the left or right.
2 seconds passed...
The cycle was still continuing in it's path, but now on the main road. I checked my whole body. Hmm 2 hands are still there..both legs are intact....Overall I was still in one piece. And I was still alive. Whoaaa I escaped the jaws of death!!!!!!!! It was all the more spectacular because a speeding bus passed me around 5 seconds after I reached the main road. I shudder to think what a delay of 5 seconds would have done to me. I don't know what saved me that day. I guess it was sheer luck. But then it helped me look at life from a whole new perspective. I don't take life for granted anymore. I am thankful for each day that goes by, thankful for each new experiences it brings with it, thankful for the new things it teaches, thankful for the new friends it brings and last but not the least thankful for the chance to enjoy one more day.
I think it was when I was around 9 or 10 years old. My father had bought me a new cycle some months back and from then on cycling substituted walking as my chief mode of transport. Irrespective of whether the distance was too small or too far, me and my cycle were inseparable. During that time I had a friend called Naveen. He used to stay in a lane near to my house. His house was such that it was almost like being on the top of a hill since the lane was a steep climb upwards and his house was at the end of this lane. Starting from his house, this lane came downwards and joined the main road. Either side of this lane was covered with houses so that a vehicle starting from his house will never be able to see the vehicles coming from the left or right ends of the main road until the vehicle reaches the path where the lane joined the main road and formed a sort of tri-road junction like a T shape.
Naveen and I used to be very good friends. Since we were in the same class, we used to meet almost everyday. During weekends I sometimes used to go to his house in the evenings. One day he told me in class that the coming saturday was his birthday and that he wants me to come for the his birthday party. During those days, almost everyone in the class celebrated their birthdays by having a birthday party. I readily agreed and so it was decided that I will be at his house at around 4 pm on saturday.
Come saturday evening, I dressed up, took my cycle and rode to Naveen's house. The party began at around 4:30 pm and everyone had a wonderful time. By 6 pm the party came to an end and everyone was saying goodbye to each other and departing. Since my house was the closest, I waited till everyone has gone and then atlast I too decided to leave. By this time it was growing a bit dark also.
After taking leave of Naveen, I got on to my cycle my cycle and started pedalling till I reached his house gate. Since his house was on the top of a "hill", it was a steep ride "downhill". So I let gravity take over and relaxed as the cycle gained speed. Midway through the journey I thought the cycle had gained too much speed and pressed the breaks a little to slow down the cycle.
Nothing happened.
Hmm Looks like the breaks are not in good condition. I guess the cycle needs to be serviced.
I pressed the breaks a little more.
Still nothing happened.
I started getting worried. I pressed the breaks to the full extent.
I pressed the brakes again and again. Nothing was happening.The breaks were not working at all!!!!!!
I panicked big time. The cycle was gaining speed each second. In my frantic efforts, I just kept pressing the brakes over and over again hoping for some miracle each time.
The result was the same.
Since the lane had houses on both left and right sides, I could not even see whether there were any vehicles coming from the left or right end of the main road. The only part of the main road I could see was that part where the lane merged with the main road, ie, the junction, which was straight ahead. I thought of diving from the cycle. but the cycle had gained too much speed by then that I was sure I would crash my head if I did so. I thought of shouting out help. But no sound came from my throat. I was too scared. I had only one option left. Let the cycle continue down the path and hope for the best. Any high speeding vehicle passes through the junction, at the exact moment I reach the junction, and I was history.
Around 5 seconds to reach the junction.
I started sweating...
4 seconds...
I gripped my cycle harder
3 seconds...
One bus just went past the junction
2 seconds...
I could see stars all around my head
1 second...
I now knew it was now or never. I gripped my cycle with all the strength I could muster, called upon all gods whose names I knew, and on reaching the junction turned right. I closed my eyes expecting something to hit me from the left or right.
2 seconds passed...
The cycle was still continuing in it's path, but now on the main road. I checked my whole body. Hmm 2 hands are still there..both legs are intact....Overall I was still in one piece. And I was still alive. Whoaaa I escaped the jaws of death!!!!!!!! It was all the more spectacular because a speeding bus passed me around 5 seconds after I reached the main road. I shudder to think what a delay of 5 seconds would have done to me. I don't know what saved me that day. I guess it was sheer luck. But then it helped me look at life from a whole new perspective. I don't take life for granted anymore. I am thankful for each day that goes by, thankful for each new experiences it brings with it, thankful for the new things it teaches, thankful for the new friends it brings and last but not the least thankful for the chance to enjoy one more day.