Most of our lives we keep running after money. But sometimes experience shows us that money can't buy everything. There will be occasions when it won't be worth the paper it is printed on. Well I had once such experience today. The summer vacations are on in IITB. All the students have returned home for two and a half months vacations. Well almost all. The Mtech guys have no such good fortune. Apart from some 10-15 days, we have to continue to stay in the campus and "work" on our Mtech project. O hell yeah work we certainly do. We work on "LOST", we work on "FRIENDS" and most importantly we work on our thesis "How to sleep beyond 12 hours". Since most of the students are not in campus, almost all the hostel messes have been closed for vacation. Out of the very few open hostel messes, I have my food at H12 mess. There we can take a 15 day card for Rs 825. As usual I got up today morning at 9 am. I then washed my face, brushed my teeth, ...