"UUAAAAAAAA"...."UUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I sprang up from my bed. "Wha wha what happened what happened...". I looked around my room. Nothing. "Did India just conduct it's 3rd nuclear test outside my hostel room ?????", I thought to myself. I looked out of the window. Just a few pigeons practising their shitting skills on some poor chap's clothes below. The nuclear test seemed to be the only possible explanation. Nothing else could sound so loud to awaken the sleeping giant. I stood still for sometime trying to hear the sound again. Silence. Hmm maybe just a bad dream I guess. I looked at the watch. It was only 8:45 in the morning. There is still a lot of time left for the first lecture. It starts only at 9:30. Who bothers about getting up now. And back to sleep I went. "UUAAAAAAAAAAA.........UUAAAAAAAAAAAA" "What the ****...". I got out of my bed. " Definitely not my dream. No one makes such stupid noise in my dreams. ...