Disclaimer : A completely fictional story. If you feel that the characters in this post resembles anyone alive or dead then it is your problem. As usual the sun rose at 6:00 am in IITB that day. Mikhilesh dayamaxx Gadha , as always, refused to get up, inspite of the poor alarm howling into his ear:- "Get up you big fat moron, else you will miss your breakfast again" No use. The alarm kept howling while the kumbakaran continued sleeping. But finally Gadha did manage to drag his huge body down to the mess, only to see the mess workers cleaning up the tables. Poor Gadha missed his breakfast yet again. " Grrrrrrrrr ", his stomach protested. Gadha patted his belly softly and sweetly. "Don't worry, Badlu's hei na" . Badlu's is the canteen in IITB CSE department. Gadha has a symbiotic relationship with Badlu's. One can't exist without the other. Gadha's daily quota of 20 idlis keeps Badlu's business running while Badlu...