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Showing posts from September, 2010

Friends forever

Disclaimer : This post has some naughtiness to it. In case you are one of those who doesn't like such posts, I advise you not to go any furthur. Saurabh bhai, the most enthu guy in our group, as this pic shows, was on the top of the world. Why not? After all he got his long desired guitar, with his own money. But as some wise man has said (and obviously that wise man is me) sometimes people with high IQ fail to express their emotions in reasonable quanity. What else can explain his running from one end of the road to another, shouting "I got my first real six strings...I got my first real six strings" with the neighbors watching with their mouth wide open and wondering what the hell was happening. Shah Rukh Khan must not have been so happy after getting a six packs as compared to our Saurabh bhai's happiness in getting a six strings . Even the word, "Guitar" , which our ancestors had invented to describe this beautiful instrument, went for a toss. S...

God proposes man disposes

Disclaimer : A totally fictional story with fictional characters.  "Kudiakose, can you please come with me" "No Krishi, I am see I am working on a critical project right now, so don't disturb me" Krishi peeped into Kudiakose's laptop. Kudiakose's entire screen was filled with chat windows from Neena, Meena, Deena and Maina. "Err which of these projects are critical" , Krishi asked. "Still deciding" , Kudiakose replied, continuing with his multi-project management. "Plz Kudiakose, I really need your help. It's a matter of life and death for me" "What is it" , Kudiakose asked, getting irritated. Kudiakose doesn't like being disturbed when he's busy with his projects. "You see Kudiakose, one of my relatives have brought a proposal to my parents. Now my parents have asked me to go and meet this girl. I am feeling very nervous and I don't want to go alone. Can you please a...