Disclaimer : This post has some naughtiness to it. In case you are one of those who doesn't like such posts, I advise you not to go any furthur.
Saurabh bhai, the most enthu guy in our group, as this
pic shows, was on the top of the world. Why not? After all he got his long desired guitar, with his own money. But as some wise man has said (and obviously that wise man is me) sometimes people with high IQ fail to express their emotions in reasonable quanity. What else can explain his running from one end of the road to another, shouting
"I got my first real six strings...I got my first real six strings" with the neighbors watching with their mouth wide open and wondering what the hell was happening. Shah Rukh Khan must not have been so happy after getting a
six packs as compared to our Saurabh bhai's happiness in getting a
six strings. Even the word,
"Guitar", which our ancestors had invented to describe this beautiful instrument, went for a toss. Somehow he thought the phrase
"six strings" suited it better.
But the tragedy of this story is not this, it transcends all this. As mentioned before, being a high IQer, he didn't just want the neighbors to know about his buying a new guitar...he wanted the whole world to know about it. And what's the best way to do that? Of course update one's Gmail status!!!. But in his excitement, he did one mistake...I would say a rather serious error in judgement considering his high IQ...he used Akshat's Wipro laptop!!! Now Wipro laptop is after all Wipro laptop...nothing can beat it...you type something, something else gets typed. Poor Saurabh, he wanted the entire world to know about his first love. But his first love, as the world came to know, was
this. Well you can be sure he will never use a Wipro laptop ever in his life again.
The debate about who is better : humans or machines have been going on for a long time without no clear answer. Well finally that puzzle has been solved beyond any doubt. The proof for such a conclusion has been presented below :-
Akshat Saxena is a very brilliant chap. He was the gold medalist for topping the university exams during his Btech days. This speaks volumes of how bright this young chap is. Though the average intelligence of human race is much below the caliber of our friend, he is one of the parameters used in this proof just to show how such a brilliant chap fades in intelligence when compared to a machine. Akshat, like any other homosapien, loves tagging himself in his orkut profiles. For eg: this
picture is an example of human intervention in picture tagging. Now let's see an example of how efficient a machine is if no human intervention happens. The result is
this. The efficiency with which a machine accurately tagged Akshat puts to rest any doubt whatsoever as to who the ultimate winner is in this debate.
It is always a surprise when you come to know that one of your closest friends got married and he/she didn't even inform you about it. The surprise factor grows exponentially large if the groom himself is not aware that his marriage is over. Yups that's right, my marriage is over. You guys need to thank my loving roomies for it. They couldn't bear to see me remain single anymore, so they took matters into their own hands and got me a lovely wife. In case you are one of the poor souls who were not invited for my marriage and thus for not fortunate enough to witness my grand wedding, join the club, I too wasn't invited for the same. Uploading this marriage photo for all those who missed my marriage. Please bless us everyone.
It's been a while since I have had any contact with Ajitav, so one fine day I thought will ping him. As usual, he had a busy symbol with a "
Working hard" status on his Gmail. Seconds after pinging him, I got his response. He too was happy to have seen me after a long time. I asked him how his work in Amazon was.
"It's rocking dude. I am enjoying every bit of it. My manager says I am a great talent and that a bright career awaits me", he replied.
"Wow dude, you must have made some impression. Is your work so critical", I asked him.
"Oh you have no idea how critical it is. In fact, my work is so critical that it affects the entire Amazon organization".
I started feeling jealous. Just at the start of his career, this guy is making such huge strides.
"So what is your position in your company", I asked.
"Well it's a bit complicated one and hard to explain. I will do one thing. I will send you a picture that was taken during one of the busiest times in my office. A picture speaks a thousand words right?".
And thus he sent me this
picture. It is then that I understood how true Ajitav's words were. His work really is critical for Amazon.
sahi blog hai.....Lage rago SREE bhai