Attention all passengers. Welcome to Mumbai airport. The Indigo flight from Mumbai to Bangalore has been delayed by one hour due to some technical difficulties. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. "Shit" , Nandu muttered under her breath. She turned to face her hubby - obviously me, duh - "Hey, what are you reading" , Nandu asked. "Nothing, just scanning today's newspaper. Better than sitting and doing nothing other than wait for our flight I guess. Any idea in which page the astrology section appears?" . "Since when did you start reading all those crap" , Nandu asked "Since my last appraisal meeting" "Why?" "In the appraisal sheet one of the points was - How do you rate your contribution to the company. In my column I wrote Exceeds Expectations. In his column the manager wrote - Hahaha yeah right" "Bad luck I guess" , Nandu replied, sympathetically "So I just want to see whether t...