It was a goody goody Sunday afternoon which I had planned to spent doing what I knew best - Doing Nothing. I was on vacation in my hometown. The afternoon temperature was just right for a siesta. A light breeze was flowing in the room. A total bliss. A heaven on earth, that is what my room was that day. Just when you thought nothing could go wrong today, my dad came into my room with a very excited face. "My son today I have decided to take the plunge". "Into what?" , I asked, with a dread on my face. "Into the dark belly that is the digital world. And you are the lucky bastard who gets to help me take my first e-step. You, my son, has been bestowed the honours to teach me how to create my own email id. Give me a high five!!!" The world around me started crumbling down. There goes my Sunday rejuvenation plan. "Ok Dad out with it. What's the real reason for this sudden change in your attitude towards this dark belly. Till yesterday yo...