A lazy afternoon, a heavy lunch and a peaceful siesta - Manu had it all planned and set.
And then came the shout
"Manu Anna....Manu Anna"
"And there goes my plan out of the window", Manu groaned
Within seconds our hero makes his grand entry.
"Manu Anna, how was your lunch?", Kittunni asked, opening the door and walking in, rubbing his belly lovingly. Manu sensed Kittunni's mood. Kittunni seems to have had a very sumptuous meal and wanted to brag about it to him.
"Ok I guess", Manu replied with a mock sad face, giving Kittunni the perfect platform to launch his punch dialogue.
"Just Ok? That's it? Mine was too good Manu Anna. Oh my God, you know what? I ate 2 fishes!!! 2 fishes Manu Anna! Can you believe that?", Kittunni's excitement was uncontrollable.
"Oh gosh, 2 fishes you say? Were you were so hungry Kittu?", Manu egged him on.
"I was hungry so I ate the first fish. But then the first fish I ate was also hungry so I ate the second fish !!!", Kittunni replied.
"Such a blessed soul you are Kittu. You have such a big heart. You showed great kindness for the fish you caught, killed and then ate without remorse!", Manu Anna said, putting both his hands over his heart and blinking fast with a fake smile and a sigh.
"Yups that's me - a big heart guy", Kittunni replied with a shy smile, apparently not catching the sarcasm.
"But does your tummy have space for 2 fishes?", Manu asked in a doubtful tone.
"Manu Anna don't go by my tummy's size. This is a high quality 24-carat tummy. Anything can go in (points to his mouth) and everything will come out (points to his butt). No wastage no blockage", Kittunni explained.
"Wow so complicated biology explained in such simple terms Kittu!!!", Manu exclaimed.
"Bio what?", Kittunni asked in a perplexed voice.
"Never mind. You see Kittu, I was thinking I will also have fish. All your talk of eating fish has made me also want to eat fish", Manu said.
"Manu Anna NOOO!!!". Kittunni was shocked to hear such blasphemous words from Manu's mouth. "You are a vegetarian no? What will society think of you. What will Radhamma think of you? Even worse, what will Radhamma think of me?"
"Don't worry Kittu I will take care of the society and my mom Kittu", Manu continued.
"That's not all Manu Anna. Your veggie tummy's carat quality will be 2 or 3 only. You veggie peoples don't take panga with non veggie things. I am telling you for your own good only - one bro to another. Later on don't blame me for what comes out from your mouth or butt", Kittunni warned.
"I will sign a legal document absolving you of all the charges in case anything happens to me if I eat fish", Manu declared.
Kittunni put his hand on his head and sat down with a heavy sigh. "Oh No! What have I done?", Kittunni thought to himself. "The pressure on Manu Anna to be like me must be too much for him. I wish I was not so perfect".
Meanwhile Shanmugham, Radhamma's husband and Manu's father, came back after buying the daily groceries. Like Radhamma, Kittunni was also close to Shanmugham.
"Appuppa, where is my lollypop?", Kittunni asked with authority.
"Eh? What lollypop Kittu?", Shanmugham asked, feigning memory loss and scratching his head.
"Appuppa I give you one task and you can't even do that properly? All that was expected of you was to go to shop, take MY lollypop, open YOUR wallet, pay YOUR money and get it done with. Where is the confusion here I don't understand?", asked Kittunni, throwing up both his hands in the air.
"What happened to the one I gave you yesterday?", Shanmugham enquired.
"As Dora the Explorer says, never ever postpone eating a lollypop. The moment you get it, you lick it, you wet it, and finally you gulp it", Kittunni replied, with head held high and both hands on the hips.
"Ok boss, do you also recollect your monologue yesterday evening when I gave you that lollypop which you wetted, licked and gulped?", Appuppa asked, looking at Kittunni with crossed hands.
"Err Appuppa, you see I am a small boy no, I sometimes forget these small small things", Kittunni replied, with a guilty smile, hoping to avoid an answer.
"Don't worry I am a big boy no, I remember it all too well. Let me help you recollect", Manu interjected. "You said, Appuppa are you not ashamed of yourself to give me - a small cute little boy - such junk foods? You have no concern for my lungs, liver and heart? Che che bad Appuppa"
"Really? I said all that?", Kittuni asked, still "trying" to recollect such an incident. He threw an angry glance at a grinning Manu.
"Oh yeah you did you little brat", Appuppa replied.
"Appuppa we had a deal no?", Kittunni tried to explain. "You gave me the lollypop when Mohan was standing near the door no? When my Acha is standing near me, I will shout at the top of my voice my opposition to all the junk foods. But once he goes back inside the house I will come without any shame and collect my share. Isn't that our deal? You forgot?", Kittunni asked questioningly.
"But yesterday's dialogue delivery was too much Kittu. It went right through here", Appuppa said, pointing at his heart and acting hurt.
"Sorry Appuppa sometimes we professional actors get too much into the character that we can't differentiate between acting and living", Kittunni explained. "You see unless Mohan is convinced of my act that I hate junk foods, I can't come over to your house and eat junk foods peacefully"
"You will become a great politician Kittu", Appuppa said with a smile. "Here have your lollypop".
"Thanks Appuppa you are the best. You got one for Manu Anna also right?".
"Yeah yeah I got one for your partner also Kittu", Shangmugham replied.
"Good. Manu my boy, put the TV on. Chotta Bheem is about to start".
And there it was, the 5-year old and 25-year old best friends, licking their lollypops together and enjoying their favourite TV show.
5 minutes later a voice was heard from outside the door.
"Kittu where are you. Your online class is about to begin"
"O crap! Here comes trouble", Kittu moaned.
Mohan enters Shanmugham's house. "Kittuuuu", he calls out.
Shangmugham comes to the door.
"Hello uncle", Mohan greeted Shangmugham. "Is Kittu here? His class is in the afternoon today".
"Hi Mohan. Kittunni is here only". Then turning towards the TV he called out, "Kittunni your father ha....". Shanmugham voice trailed off. Kittu's seat was empty!
"Oh he was here a moment ago", Shangmugham said. Let me go inside and check. "Kittu...Kittu...your father is here, where are you?", Shanmugham called out, while searching all the rooms. He couldn't find Kittunni anywhere.
Finally Shangmugham tiptoes silently to the bathroom and slowly opens the door. There he was, Kittunni, trying hard to break the lollypop with his teeth.
"Hey Kittu your father is calling you", he called out to Kittunni
"Of course I know that Appuppa. Why do you think I am hiding here?", Kittunni barked out, as if it should have been apparent to his Appuppa.
"But why are you hiding here Kittu?", Shangmugham asked.
"I am trying to bite and break this lollypop into pieces, but it is not breaking. Looks like this lollypop is older than even you. Which ice age lollypop you got for me?", Kittunni replied, throwing Shangmugham an accusing glance in between his biting efforts.
"It's ok Kittunni you can lick it and finish it slowly, no need to break it into pieces", Shangmugham tried to comfort Kittunni.
"You think that is an option for me now!!! You think?", Kittunni asked, his voice raised. "The enemy is at the gate Appuppa. Mohan will beat me black and blue if he catches me with the lollypop, Sulochanna Teacher will question my career choices if I sit in class with a lollypop. Too much at stake here for me."
"Ok so what do you want me to do Kittu?", Shanmugham asked
"Protect your King, that is what you have got to do!!! As instructed by the Evil Queen, the enemy King has come himself, leaving behind all his Rooks and Bishops to capture your King. My Queen has gone I don't know where and my Rook is licking his lollypop and watching Chotta Bheem. You are now my only hope! As my bishop you do what it takes to stop him till I get my job done", Kittunni ordered, in parallel continuing with his efforts to try and break down the hard rocked lollypop. Time was running out for Kittu.
"Playing chess now, are we?", Shanmugham asked with a smile
"GO !!!", Kittunni shouted. He didn't want any more disturbances. He had a job to finish.
"Ok Ok take it easy", Shanmugham replied. He returned to the hallway.
"Hey Mohan, Kittu is in the bathroom, he will be back any moment", Shanmugham said.
Kittunni could hear Shanmugham's voice in the bathroom. "Good my Bishop is playing his part well", he thought. He was still trying hard to break down the lollypop. "Break you stupid thing break!". He continued biting.
A big sound was heard in the hallway. This was followed by some more weird sounds - as if stones were being ground into powder
"Uncle, what are those sounds?", Mohan asked in a surprised tone
"Must be some rat chewing on a lollypop I guess", Shangmmugham replied with a smile.
After a minute or so Kittunni came out of the bathroom
"Hey Acha, when did you come? I didn't hear you at all. Sorry I was little busy in the bathroom", Kittunni replied, with a broad smile to show how happy he was to see Mohan.
"C'mon its time for your class, let's go", Mohan said.
"Sure let's go Acha". Then looking at Manu and Shangmugham he threw a wink. "Bye guys!!! See you later".