As mentioned in my previous post, we had our CR (class representative) elections last friday. The 2 (yeah just 2 out of 90+) contenders for the post were Neha and Aadi. CR basically acts as a connection between the department and the students, so it was an important post. The candidates had already mailed their manifestos and the election was supposed to be held at around 9:30 pm.
On the same day, at around 6:30 pm we had a program called college masti (or something like that). It was the program that was to kick start Mood Indigo, the cultural fest in IIT Bombay. The program was held in OAT (Open Air Theatre). We had a rocking time with many RJs anchoring the evening. It was non-stop masti, fun and dance for 2 hours. It was the first time in almost an year that I was experiencing such an evening and I made sure I made the full use of it. After the show, I was completely drenched in sweat and I looked like a maniac (pic: Me and Vishal after the show :D). So imagine the looks on everyones' face when I entered the room. They were like "Oyee bathroom se seedha bhaagkar aaye ho kya ".
This time around a comparatively considerable number of people had turned up (whew finally). Some of the seniors had also turned up, in particular the CR of our seniors, to ensure the smooth election process. And finally the "show" started. The plan was as follows...Initially both the candidates present their manifestos and explain what they will do if they are elected the CR and then later on there was a question answer session where the candidates will be asked questions. Initially Neha presented her manifesto and then Aadi. Then came the question answer session.
It was decided that questions will be asked to Neha first. One senior told Aadi to stand outside the room. Poor guy looked confused. He was like "He's asking me to go way dude, not in 100 years...Oyee I am the candidate, I want to contest, I won't give up even if u offer me 1 crore rupees (by the way I would have done so if I was offered that much)". The senior sensing that Aadi was about to cry told him "don't worry beta daddy will call you back when it is your turn to answer the questions, ab tum bahar ja re". Aadi boy looked very happy "Aah I am still in the race". Then the question-answer session started. I will reproduce below some part of the question-answer session. I have taken the liberty to exaggerate it a bit :D.
Me : As you must have seen till now, the class participation from our side has not yet been up to how do you propose to change this
Neha : Yeah, u r right, our class participation definitely is low,we must do something about this.
Silence for a minute
Me : O wow tat is great..but what is this something that u r planning to do.
Neha : I like motivating people. I will sent mails across to all informing them of so and so events. We should not be like this. We should be more active in all events. This is not right yaar. Even I have come here for studies. But that doesn't mean we should only study, we need to take part in all events.
Thus her question-answer session went on for sometime. After that it was Aadi's turn ( by now he had already made up his mind that the seniors have made some grand plan to keep him out of the race by making him standing outside. He was racking his brains for a counter-strategy when the seniors called him in. O gr8 now no need to waste my brain power)
Someone from our batch asked a question. " We do not get internet connection after 12 in the night. As a CR of our class, how would you try to resolve the issue"
Aadi : Well, personally, I think internet till 12 at night is good enough.
Everyone in the room gasped. Oyee atleast ye tho bol ki I will try my best to sort it out. Kaha ka CR hei re tu.
Me : Atleast during exam times we should be able to access internet right.
Aadi : I think people tend to see more films during exam times. So I guess during exam time internet should be cut by 12.
Everyone was like " People see movies during exam times???who gave him this idea???"
Then Prashima asked a question " There are some people like me who are introverts and a bit shy. So how do u plan to bring take us along"
Aadi : Hey, don't worry about that, i have a way with girls ;) rest assured
Aha bada aagaya Romeo...:P
Then rijurekha (I think) asked : Since girls stay in a seperate hostel, how do u think there will be good interactions with other members of the class
Aadi : a very good question
After 1 hour of thinking....
Aadi : A really good question..hmm the answer is....hmmm...
After another hour
Aadi : I must say u really asked a very good question..the answer is simple..hmmm......
abee ye century khatam hone se pehele answer bolega kya.......
After that Aadi did manage to answer the question though I don't remember exactly what he said.
And so on and on it went. After that elections were held. Aadi managed to win the elections. So he was made the technical CR (whatever that means) and Neha was made the social CR. All in all a total time pass session
yet to catch up with other posts of yours.. hold on! :)
Good to know having a good time thr Sree :)