We all have our own small incidents, which may not be big enough to write about or important enough to tell others, but yet may amuse you when it somehow crosses your mind. I too have my collection of these small incidents some of which are amusing, while some are foolish and stupid. I am writing about some of these here. On one beautiful ( This I am guessing :D) saturday morning, I got up around noon. Having nothing better to do, I thought why not take a bath (What a timepass). The previous night I had the usual struggles of my life, finishing off a damn assignment and so had slept late. Having got up soo "early", I was still not fully awake. I took my bucket and soap and went to the bathroom. I hung my shorts on a hanger, outside the bathroom, and went inside to take a bath. Soon I was enjoying the cool waters from the shower. After finishing my shower, I reached out to take my towel. Nothing came to my hand. I turned around. Oyee where is my towel. Then suddenly it stuck m...