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small amusing foolish stupid

We all have our own small incidents, which may not be big enough to write about or important enough to tell others, but yet may amuse you when it somehow crosses your mind. I too have my collection of these small incidents some of which are amusing, while some are foolish and stupid. I am writing about some of these here.

On one beautiful ( This I am guessing :D) saturday morning, I got up around noon. Having nothing better to do, I thought why not take a bath (What a timepass). The previous night I had the usual struggles of my life, finishing off a damn assignment and so had slept late. Having got up soo "early", I was still not fully awake. I took my bucket and soap and went to the bathroom. I hung my shorts on a hanger, outside the bathroom, and went inside to take a bath. Soon I was enjoying the cool waters from the shower.

After finishing my shower, I reached out to take my towel. Nothing came to my hand. I turned around. Oyee where is my towel. Then suddenly it stuck me. O great, I forgot my towel. I guess I would be the first person in this world who would have forgotten to take a towel while coming to take a bath. While the outside world was enjoying the beautiful day, I was foolishly standing inside the bathroom, with water dripping all over me, wearing nothing, not knowing what to do. Well, the only option left for me was to dry myself with my shorts.
Wow great, now that's on the hanger.
But hey, but that's just 10 metres away.
Maybe...just maybe, if I could run outside and get hold of it....
But what if anyone comes into the bathroom at that exact moment...
Well no risk no gain...
After weighing the pros and cons, I decided to finally take the plunge. I peeped outside. Hmm coast clear. And then,with all the strength I could muster I ran outside, got hold of my shorts, got back into the bathroom just in the nick of time as at that exact moment when I reached back inside, a guy came in to pee. Guess I won the race ;). I dried myself up with the shorts and then had to return to my room wearing the same shorts. People were just staring at me, but then I didn't care...I had prevented a greater catastrophe from happening :D.

This happened just yesterday. It was the last of our diwali holidays and some of us were playing football in hostel-6(H6) ground.The time was around 6:45 pm. The lights were very dim, but the game was still on. There is a small forest like area just outside the boundary wall. The wall was so high that it just about reached my waist. Suddenly I heard some grunting from somewhere near the boundary wall. I turned around to see something big standing just on the other side of the wall. The light was very dim and the fact that I had short sight made the matters worse. Somehow it seemed to me that a lion was standing on the wall. Suddenly all those stories of panthers entering the campus popped inside my head. My first reaction was to just shout out "lion lion" and started running towards the room. Everyone else just stared at me for a few seconds, unable to comprehend what was happening, then everyone turned their heads towards the wall and then they started laughing.
Oyee it is a hungry buffalo you idiot.
Imagine the stupid sheepish look on my face on hearing this. Man where did I ever get the idea of a lion in the campus.

There was once a "Save electricity" campaign in our campus. Some of us had volunteered for this campaign. As a part of this, we were to stick awareness posters in the hostels, wherever we thought people mostly frequented. The obvious places were the toilets and canteens. To kickstart the campaign, we gathered at H12 at around 12 in the night. We were divided into groups and each group was assigned one hostel each. My group was assigned H7. It was a very big group : 2 people. Myself and a senior. We started exploring H7 and started sticking the posters at places we thought caught everyone's attention. Whenever we saw a light was on which was unnecessary, we switched it off and kept a count of the number of lights we switched off. After almost an hour or so (man this is the first time I realized how big our hostels were), we were almost done. There was a last poster to stick. By now the count of switched off lights was about 24.

Senior : We will stick this last poster in that toilet

Me : Sure.

After sticking the poster
Senior : So we are done.

Me : Not yet. The light is still on. And that makes the count 25.

And then I switched off the light
Suddenly there was kicking of doors from behind us.

"Oyee bhenchod kaun lights off kiya be. Lights on kar"

Me : Oops looks like the toilet was not empty.
We just switched on the lights and ran from there as we didn't want the bathroom guy to know the source of darkness in his bathroom.
And yeah, count is still 24.

There are more such small incidents. Maybe I may put them in another post some other day.


Jagadish said…
Now..there goes a frood who doesn't know where his towel is!
sree said…
haha...good one
Archana K B said…
you are not the first person to forget the towel.. it happens to every absent minded person!!! so chill! ;)
baagyam aarum onnum kaanathe!!!! hehe

PS: wat a sarcasm!!! phew!!!
Unknown said…
glad that m not the only (absent minded) person :) in the world. Same thing hapnd with me but i dint dry myself with shorts , i ran to my room took (of course i wore my shorts)my towel nd again ran to bath nd dried myself :) (but no one saw me :) doing this stupid ness )
Kag said…
Nice blog Sree. Am a random visitor.
-kag (btech ee 2k5, h6/120)
sree said…
@blue : :D
@harshad : me too happy to find i have company ;)
@kag : thx buddy :)
Unknown said…
dude !

You had me in splits with the " Save Electricity Oy ". Reminds me of the mandarins invariably.

Keep on man. You have a regular here .... :)
Unknown said…
enthu cheyyana vayikkumbo visualise chyyande pattilla :) aaayeee .... :D
sree said…
ninakonum vere oru paniyum ilale
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