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Showing posts from June, 2009

The real happiness

A typical placement scenario in a highly reputed institute. "Hey Ramesh what happened dude, why you looking so sad" (in a sad tone) "Na nothing yaar, just didn't get the company I wanted" "But I thought they offered you 6 lac per annum. That is a good salary buddy." "Yeah that's right...but 6 lac per annum is too low. All others got better salaries than me" Scene shifts to a nearby slum "Hey Muthu you look so happy" Muthu replies in a very ecstatic manner, " O yes I am so happy today...a kind man gave me a packet of biscuits to eat....whew they are soo tasty...especially after being hungry for last two days. Here you too take some." How many of us can say that a packet of biscuit can brighten up our day. I don't think many among us. But for Muthu, it was a gift straight from heaven. If a packet of biscuit can bring a smile to Muthu, why does having a 6 lac per annum not make Ramesh happy. Why is that we have forgo...

Comedy of errors

Disclaimer : Conversations below are mostly imaginary though the incident is real It's been one week since I have been lazing around in Trivandrum with nothing much to do other than eat, sleep, sleep, eat...not that it was much different when I was in campus, but somehow the eating factor has increased exponentially high, ever since I came home, and still going strong without showing any signs of stabilization. Maybe the thought that after one more week I have to face the hostel mess again, must be acting as a catalyst(and a very strong one) to gulp down whatever good stuffs are available at home. Once I return, it's back to the mess torture once again for the next 6 months. 2 days back my uncle Hari mama had paid me a visit. During the casual talk that we were having, he told me about a funny incident that happened to Kannan, his son and my cousin, recently. Kannan is a first year engineering student. Hari mama is the district magistrate in a place called Attingal. Being a mag...

Skit wits

Disclaimer : High dose of imagination added to real life incidents We had our dept valfi (ie, validaetory function) for the passing out Mtech and Btech students a couple of weeks back. As a part of valfi, some of us :- Neha, Akash, Akshat, Krishna, Aaditya, Ladha and me, had decided to perform a short skit. The skit's theme was " What would have been the first day in IIT for some of our seniors ". We had handpicked some seniors, on whom we could make a skit on. Now the director of our skit was Neha. She's one tough director I must say. One growling look from her is enough to get everyone's attention. She had the prepared script in her hand and was telling each of our actors what they have to do. Neha (to Akash) : "Your character is a music loving guy and has been in IITB for one year now. So when he enters the class, he sees many new students and starts singing 'Aao naye panchiyo' " Akash : "Magar panchi kaha hei" Neha : "Oye bhudh...