Yikes...life cannot get more hectic than this!!! So busy that it's been ages since I wrote my last blog. Now finally managed to find some time to write some crap. In this semester each day starts agonizingly early (8:30 am!!!. Man, I really want to kick the ass of the guy who made this timetable. Making students see the inside of a classroom before the sun rises should come under IPC 302 and the person who made this timetable must be awarded capital punishment. By the way sun rises at 10 am in IITB). My daily routine goes as follows :-
Get up at 8:15 am, then dress up and start eating breakfast by 8:30 am and then reach the class at 8:50 am (for the 8:30 am class). 10 minutes goes into relaxing under the fan after the marathon you just completed to reach the class from hostel. After 10 minutes of relaxation when you are really ready to now listen to what the prof is saying, he would have already covered half the lecture. Since I don't have this bad habit of revising what was taught the previous class, whatever the prof says goes over the head. So back to relaxation till the class gets over. The 8:30 am class is a total give up.
Usually classes go till afternoon. Then I come back for lunch. Gulp food down in 10 minutes and then go back for the 2 pm class. Finally at 3:30 pm all my classes for the day will be done with. Next stop...placement office. (For those who don't know, DPN is Department Placement Nominee. There is a DPN for each department and program. DPNs are responsible for inviting the companies to the campus for recruitments. Unfortunately for the students of CSE Mtech, I am one of their DPNs. Poor students). Since IITB always strives for cultivating a sense of sharing among all the students, they thought it was best that all the DPNs share one phone to call the companies. So there I would stand in the queue, waiting for my chance to use the phone, with nothing better to do other than watching the other DPNs "thank" the company HRs for refusing to come to the campus. After half an hour of useful work done, I manage to get hold of the phone. Now the other DPNs get a chance to see me thank the company HRs.
As if the DPN work was not a handful, last week came the shocker in the form of TA duty. We use a tool called Sonata for our VHDL assignments. And I am the TA (Teaching assistant) for this course which requires the VHDL tool. The stupid tool, which was working beautifully for the last 3 years, saw it prudent to stop working when I became the TA of the course. Now what wrong have I done to this tool to deserve this? Couldn't it have waited for just 3 more months and stopped working when the next TA came over. No, it had to stop only now. Calls and mails from the prof and students jammed my inbox and phone. Aah how I miss those good old days when there were no telephones or internet to disturb your peace of mind.
The experiences in the courses that I had credited too were getting no better day after day. It was raining Andas (eggs,zeros) in the probability assignments and quizes. As for functional programming (FP), the prof and me were certainly not on the same page. But that doesn't prevent me from nodding at his lectures in class. Well I don't stand to lose anything by giving the impression to the sir that I am listening attentively to his lecture when I am actually analysing why Shahrukh Khan movies are better than Salman Khan movies. Who knows, I may actually benefit from this nodding technique...maybe end up getting some sympathy half mark or one mark from sir when I manage to Andafy (meaning getting anda) FP exam also.
Get up at 8:15 am, then dress up and start eating breakfast by 8:30 am and then reach the class at 8:50 am (for the 8:30 am class). 10 minutes goes into relaxing under the fan after the marathon you just completed to reach the class from hostel. After 10 minutes of relaxation when you are really ready to now listen to what the prof is saying, he would have already covered half the lecture. Since I don't have this bad habit of revising what was taught the previous class, whatever the prof says goes over the head. So back to relaxation till the class gets over. The 8:30 am class is a total give up.
Usually classes go till afternoon. Then I come back for lunch. Gulp food down in 10 minutes and then go back for the 2 pm class. Finally at 3:30 pm all my classes for the day will be done with. Next stop...placement office. (For those who don't know, DPN is Department Placement Nominee. There is a DPN for each department and program. DPNs are responsible for inviting the companies to the campus for recruitments. Unfortunately for the students of CSE Mtech, I am one of their DPNs. Poor students). Since IITB always strives for cultivating a sense of sharing among all the students, they thought it was best that all the DPNs share one phone to call the companies. So there I would stand in the queue, waiting for my chance to use the phone, with nothing better to do other than watching the other DPNs "thank" the company HRs for refusing to come to the campus. After half an hour of useful work done, I manage to get hold of the phone. Now the other DPNs get a chance to see me thank the company HRs.
As if the DPN work was not a handful, last week came the shocker in the form of TA duty. We use a tool called Sonata for our VHDL assignments. And I am the TA (Teaching assistant) for this course which requires the VHDL tool. The stupid tool, which was working beautifully for the last 3 years, saw it prudent to stop working when I became the TA of the course. Now what wrong have I done to this tool to deserve this? Couldn't it have waited for just 3 more months and stopped working when the next TA came over. No, it had to stop only now. Calls and mails from the prof and students jammed my inbox and phone. Aah how I miss those good old days when there were no telephones or internet to disturb your peace of mind.
The experiences in the courses that I had credited too were getting no better day after day. It was raining Andas (eggs,zeros) in the probability assignments and quizes. As for functional programming (FP), the prof and me were certainly not on the same page. But that doesn't prevent me from nodding at his lectures in class. Well I don't stand to lose anything by giving the impression to the sir that I am listening attentively to his lecture when I am actually analysing why Shahrukh Khan movies are better than Salman Khan movies. Who knows, I may actually benefit from this nodding technique...maybe end up getting some sympathy half mark or one mark from sir when I manage to Andafy (meaning getting anda) FP exam also.
Btw, good work as DPN so far. But the major part of the struggle lies ahead.
Best wishes.
Yeah my cell phone also gave up on me this sem :(
Tha bhai :)
Good to know that
Aree yaar, this was not a post on my DPN experiences. There is going to be a full fledged post on that once all of these placement activities are over. Ye tho sirf trailer tha. Film abhi bhi baaki hei dosth