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Showing posts from October, 2009

The rise of the king

Disclaimer : A purely "imaginary" story with "imaginary" characters. On one fine saturday morning, the whole of H12 was shaking. Whoa, what was happening? Is it an earthquake? Did some terrorist manage to infiltrate our campus and throw a bomb? Did Ladha fall in the bathroom again? Many possibilities. No answer. I quickly opened the door to investigate the reason. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect what I saw next. The whole corridor was filled with students running in a particular direction. And by students I mean both boys and girls!!! "Whoa, so many girls in a boys hostel on a Saturday morning???" I happened to hear a bit of conversation of 2 students who were running along with the crowd. "Run fast lest we won't be able to get a glimpse of him" "But where is he staying?" "I don't know yaar, just follow the crowd. Everyone is running to see him only" I couldn't understand what was happening. I asked this q...

MTP stories

Disclaimer : Some parts of this blog is contributed by Ajinkya Joshi It's project season in IITB. We need to submit our stage 1 of our MTech project (MTP) by this month end. All the class geeks are so busy with their project reports submission that it's been ages since I have seen some of their faces, apart from the coincidental meetings in the boys' restroom. In order to evaluate how the situation of our class is in this hectic month, let us look at how some of our folks are doing their MTP. Names have been changed to protect the identity of these people. The first in the list is Mr CurryPurry. So how is Mr CurryPurry doing his MTP...well let's see how One fine saturday morning "Knock knock" . Someone knocking at my door. I open the door. Standing outside is Mr CurryPurry. Me : " Hello Mr CurryPurry, what can I do for you " Curry : " Hello Mr Sree Shankar, I need your help " Me : " Anytime Mr Curry. Go on. Tell me how can I help you ...