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The rise of the king

Disclaimer : A purely "imaginary" story with "imaginary" characters.

On one fine saturday morning, the whole of H12 was shaking.

Whoa, what was happening?

Is it an earthquake?
Did some terrorist manage to infiltrate our campus and throw a bomb?
Did Ladha fall in the bathroom again?

Many possibilities. No answer.

I quickly opened the door to investigate the reason. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect what I saw next. The whole corridor was filled with students running in a particular direction. And by students I mean both boys and girls!!!

"Whoa, so many girls in a boys hostel on a Saturday morning???"

I happened to hear a bit of conversation of 2 students who were running along with the crowd.

"Run fast lest we won't be able to get a glimpse of him"

"But where is he staying?"

"I don't know yaar, just follow the crowd. Everyone is running to see him only"

I couldn't understand what was happening. I asked this question to my neighbour, who was standing nearby.

"Yaar, what is happening".

"Don't know exactly yaar. Heard a rumour that Darkha Butta has come to the hostel"

"What!!!!Darkha Butta!!! The famous reporter from MDTV!!!!!!!!!wooooow. But why?"

"No idea re. Seems the institute has got a new academic genius. And that she has come to interview him".


"Also heard the genius is from 2nd year Mtech Computer Science."

"What!!!! You kidding right?"

"Well , this is what I heard. Don't know how true it is"

So some guy from my class is an academic genius and Darkha is interviewing him?
Hmm now who can that be.

Is it the deadly Borol-Sriram combo? Did Darkha madam happen to hear one of their lunch time "technical" discussions.....Na, not possible. She's still alive isn't she?

Is it our sit-through raja, the one and only CP?......Na not possible. He must be attending one of the 1000 sit through courses he has taken this semester and so he cannot be in the hostel at this moment.

Err, could it be me? Hmm a very high possibility. But then how come crowd is not running towards me? I guess people still haven't learnt to recognise a genius when they see one.

And since the genius is a guy, as unfortunately no girls stay in H12, it leaves out the network queen Chotu, the compiler rani Ambika, the mtech-convert-to-phd-convert-to-postdoc-convert-to-god-knows-what-is-left-to-take Riju and operating system "expert" Jaya.

Well it still leaves many possibilities...Rakesh, Kamle,Chander and so on.

I guess I need to find this out myself. So I dressed up and followed the crowd. I noticed that the crowd was running towards the A-wing of H12.

The whole of A-wing was jam packed. People were pushing and crushing each other. I somehow managed to make it to the front. Darkha Butta was standing a few meters away, apparently waiting for our hero to make entry.

Suddenly a back ground music started:

"He walks like a king, he talks like a king...He isssssssssssssssssss....THE KING"

And in a slow motion, our hero comes running out of his room with the song in the background. The camera moves from his toes up. As the hero comes running in slow motion, the camera shows a pair of black shiny shoes, then black shiny leather pants. The camera then moves up to reveal black jackets. Looks like this guy has been bitten by the Matrix bug. The camera then moves furthur up and finally our hero's face gets revealed....and I nearly died of shock.

Him????An academic genius??? Since when??? Am I dreaming?
I pinched myself. Whoa it is paining. Na, I am not dreaming. It is really not a dream.

The back ground music was still going on.

"He walks like a king, he talks like a king...He isssssssssssssssssss...."

This time I completed the song


Meanwhile the girls were going crazy. Sheiku was planting flying kisses to all the girls who had arrived just to see him.

"Oh he's soo handsome"

"Oh look look, he's smiling at me. Oh someone hold me or I will faint...."

I stood there mouth opened.

What was happening. Isn't this still the year 2009???

As I was wondering whether I was still living on Planet Earth, Sheiku's interview with Darkha Butta started.

Darkha : "So Mr Sheiku, how did you manage to top score in the machine learning course"

What!!! He top scored in the machine learning course??? This is definitely not the year 2009.

Sheiku : "Oh it was nothing. Just years of practice and a little use of my excellent brains".

Darkha : "But you were never even on the critics' radar before you became the course topper".

Sheiku : "Aaah critics. What do they know about machine learning".

Darkha : "A few words of advice to anyone who wants to take up machine learning courses"

Sheiku : "Well study hard party harder"

Darkha : "O is this how you top scored in this course".

Sheiku : "Yups...except for the study part".

Darkha : "So what next. Where do you go from here"

Sheiku (blushing) : "Well I guess I will go straight to the restroom. A little emergency".

Darkha : "Err I meant career wise"

Sheiku : "O sorry. Most probably I will apply for 'Machine Learning for Dummies' in MIT". You see no more machine courses left in IIT for me to take up".

Darka : "Wow MIT eh? Cool. Sheiku,a few words for your girl fans".

Sheiku : "I will always be there for them. They can ask any machine learning doubts to me anytime anywhere".

Darkha : "O your fans will be so happy to hear that".

Sheiku : "Err you asked only about the girl fans right".

Darkha : "Right. Anyway congrats once again for being chosen the academic genius. Wish you all the best in your life".

Darkha turns and faces the camera and continues

"And thus we have come to the end of your favourite program 'Even impossible things can happen'. By topping the machine learning course which only a selected few in this world has ever accomplished, Sheiku has indeed announced to the world...He is the king".


Akash said…
A new post is expected now : Sheikhu's fire / Sheikhu on fire / Sheikhu's firebird / Sheikhu's bird on fire....We discussed so many names yesterday.
Unknown said…
atr tatr sarvatr, shaant hojaa. next tu hi hei. ine apne class ka howla character(like in hyderabadi howla joke) hei. Mu khola toh kiseeki &***d lag gayi samjho. Kya phenktha rehta hei yehh. Our situation is also like the teacher. Allah!!Iney naya blog likhaa re...
sreekanth said…
Good narration. You are having good poetic skills. Initially i thought reading this is a waste of time. But as i started reading i can't stop anywhere...
Dhaval said…
as always, hilarious! :D

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