Disclaimer: As usual high dose of masala and imagination involved. Nandana ( Nandu for me) finished her schooling in 2006 and it was time for college admissions. After her entrance exams results were announced, she wanted a seat in PSG , a private engineering college in Coimbatore. But Mummy dear(my mother-in-law) was pushing for GCT , a government college, also in Coimbatore. This resulted in an intense "war" between PSG and GCT in the house. Each side employed all the modern day technologies like Google for data gathering to strengthen their arguments for and against each of these 2 colleges. The war was so intense that by the time the day for the counselling arrived, their neighbors knew more about these two colleges than even the PSG and GCT students themselves. Finally the D-day arrived. Mummy dear tried one last attempt. She made Nandu her favorite breakfast, puttu and kadala . If Mummy had hoped for a result favourable to GCT , her hopes were dashed. All she ...