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Nandu ban gayi engineer

Disclaimer: As usual high dose of masala and imagination involved.

Nandana ( Nandu  for me) finished her schooling in 2006 and it was time for college admissions. After her entrance exams results were announced, she wanted a seat in PSG, a private engineering college in Coimbatore. But Mummy dear(my mother-in-law) was pushing for GCT, a government college, also in Coimbatore. This resulted in an intense "war" between PSG and GCT in the house. Each side employed all the modern day technologies like Google for data gathering to strengthen their arguments for and against each of these 2 colleges. The war was so intense that by the time the day for the counselling arrived, their neighbors knew more about these two colleges than even the PSG and GCT students themselves.

Finally the D-day arrived. Mummy dear tried one last attempt. She made Nandu her favorite breakfast, puttu and kadala. If Mummy had hoped for a result favourable to GCT, her hopes were dashed. All she got back was a plate with no puttu left.

By the time Mummy, Nandu and Daddy reached the counseling centre, the counseling was already underway. After some half an hour or so, Nandu's chance was fast approaching. Nandu started biting her nails. She was getting tensed. Only 1 seat each left in PSG and GCT and there were 2 more girls more to go before her. She still had her chances for PSG. But it was going to be a very close call. Meanwhile Mummy too was biting her nails. After all GCT too was in the race.

"PSG...PSG...PSG", Nandu's mind was racing.

So was Mummy's, "GCT...GCT...GCT".

Luckily the girl didn't choose either of PSG or GCT.

The list narrowed down to 1 girl with 1 seat each in PSG and GCT.

By now Nandu and Mummy had no more nails left on them. But the race was still on, nails or no nails.

The girl in the front was taking all the time in the world to decide her college. Tension was slowly, but surely, building up. Finally when it seemed that this girl will never decide her preference, she got up, went to the counter, and gave her choice. Nandu and Mummy turned their heads at the same time onto the screen.

Screen started blinking. After 30 seconds or so an updated message came up.

Number of seats left
PSG:0      GCT:1

Nandu thought someone just slapped her. Mummy thought she just won a million dollar lottery. GCT beat PSG in the battle of titans. Poor Nandu. She was just not lucky that day. And this is how she got joined production engineering at GCT.

Once the classes started, Nandu had left her disappointment behind and was looking towards a great campus life in GCT. She soon realized she had to overcome many obstacles in the male dominated field of Mechanical and Production Engineering. One of them was the workshops. Workshops were heavy duty stuffs. To lift the heavy hammers and tongs itself was beyond her, let alone use them to make to forge something. But then these are the situations where being a girl helps. All she needs to do is put on a damsel-in-distress face.

Zoooom!!!From nowhere the instructor reaches her place.

"Enna ma, hammer romba heavya", he asks
[What happened my girl, is the hammer very heavy]

"Amma sir, onume panna mudiyathu. Epadiyavathu help panungo sir"
[Yes sir, I am not able to do anything sir. Please help me sir]

The scene after 5 minutes would be this.

Standing in one corner of the workshop, Nandu and her co-damsels will be discussing the global issues concerning the world

"Lakshmi, you saw the new Shah Rukh movie da. Oh he's soo handsome in that no?".

"Yeah Nandana, I too heard about it. I want to see it da"

"Don't worry da, I will come. I want to see that film once more da".

Meanwhile the poor instructor would have broken his back doing each of their work. One may wonder whether this trick will work all the time. Well trust me, it does.

Some of her college professors were world class. One of them, let's call him NK, had a unique teaching style. He comes to the class and straightaway he goes and writes a problem on the blackboard. Once he has finished writing the problem, he turns and faces the class.

"Find the solution to this".

No sooner does he says this than the geeks get busy while others, ie, 99% of the class, get sleeping. After the initial struggles, the brightest geek of the lot would be ready with the solution which NK sir starts evaluating. NK will read each line of the solution given in the textbook. Then he compares it with the corresponding line of the solution that the student had got.

"Torque = 72.........hmm Torque=72...ok"

"Distance=50....hmm distance=50...ok"



"98....45...What!!! Your solution is wrong. See the value should be 98. You got 45. What the hell is this"

"Sir but 98 is the page number of the book."

The whole class bursts out in laughter.

"Oh ok, no problem, let's continue. 45....45...ok".  And the brilliant evaluation continues.So much for his teaching abilities.

Another Professor, who manages to use his pants to cover his entire stomach, deals with late comers in a different way. For example, once it so happened that one of Nandu's friends, Kapil Dev (not the cricketer, Mind it Rascalas!!!), came late for his class. Kapil stood outside the class and requested Sir's permission to enter the class. Sir stopped teaching and turned to face him.

"Who are you"

The poor guy didn't know what to say. He just kept looking at sir with his mouth open. He knew the professor knew his identity very well.

The professor pulls up his pants, and again asks, "Who are you".

"Sorry sir"

"Your name is sorry?"

"No sir, I am sorry for being late. I will not repeat it sir".

"Who are you"

Poor guy knew there was no escape. He knew his Prof very well. He will keep asking "Who are you" till you reply properly. Not that a proper reply will guarantee one's entry. But nevertheless....

"Kapil Dev", he replied.

"Ooooooo you are Kapil Dev"

"Really sir I am Kapil Dev sir"

"Yeah and I am Mahatma Gandhi"

Poor guy was at his wits end. He gives up and leaves the class. And this is how this professor put an end to the "menace" of late comers.

Nandu, in her 4 years, had made quite a lot of friends. One of them was Aparagita Varman. This friend of her's faced an unusual problem in college. The teachers had a hard time pronouncing his name. More so when attendance was being called.

"Arun Palaniselvam"

"Present Miss"

"Aruna Prabhakar"

"Present Miss"

"Appu Doraiswamy"

"Present Miss"

When our hero's chance comes, all hell breaks loose.

"Apa Raita Varman....err no....Upper jaati Varman.....Upuma Raita Varman err no....aah crap roll number 3"

With a heavy heart, he will stand up and acknowledge his presence.

And so, in this fashion Nandu completed four eventful and joyful years after which she graduated in 2010.


Anonymous said…
Seems like you know her friends more than herself. :P

Nice blog again.

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