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Showing posts from January, 2009

Are we truly IITians?

We IITians are proud to proclaim to the world that we are the best, that we are the cream of the country. But are we really so?Not so, in my opinion. Just being the technological masters is not a sure shot way to proclaim that one is the best. We pride ourselves to be getting the best education in the country, but then are we behaving in a manner befitting that? A big NO. Why? Well read more to find out. In my UG days, it is a rare phenomenon that there is water supply 24x7 in the college hostel. In fact, in those days there used to be something called water strikes. These strikes were called by the students in the hostel to protest against the lack of water supply during day or night. It often happens that the water supply in the hostel would be disrupted for days together. But in IIT, I have not experienced a single day where there was no water supply. But it is precisely for this reason that water is considered so cheap here and wasted like anything. I can give you so many instance...

Smile please

In one of my previous posts, I had written about some of the funny incidents that had happened to me in IIT. Well today, I will be writing about some where I am not the chief protagonist, but was still present at the "crime" scene, when it was unfolding. As usual, the stories getting printed below is a "Garam Masala"ised version. December 1st, Dec 2008, me and Kukri (real name can't be revealed) was aboard the train heading to Trivandrum. Our first semester was over and we were heading home for vacations. We were travelling by the new "All-coaches-AC-but-no-place-to-sit" Gharib Rath train. We were sharing our compartment with an elderly couple. Few hours had passed since we boarded the train. Initially we whiled away our time chit chatting about various things that happened in campus that semester. After sometime, we started feeling bored. Then Kukri suggested something: "Why not watch a movie. We can watch it in my laptop. I have downloaded Yuvr...

Classmates revisited

Well well well, what have we here. Another post on classmates. Hmm how can it be different from the one that was posted earlier. Hmm let's see, this post is being written after getting a much better understanding of my peers when compared with the last post on them, which was posted just about a month or so after I joined IIT, this post will have new heros, this post will see introduction of heroines since the last post was a all-male movie and last, but not the least, this post will be more ruthless. No one's good deeds/behaviour will find a mention here, since I am not here to give these guys/gals grades. You see I can't help being evil. This post may result in my kidnapping or maybe kick in my ass by the characters mentioned below, but I am taking that risk in the supreme interest of my nation...err sorry blog. It will be a bit long post, so please bear with me. So here we go... Anand Raj ----------- This guy should be actually renamed Miner Raj. He is out to learn all t...

Second semester starts

A new year starts :-) Vacations done with :-( New semester starts :-(( Back to old ways of losing sleep over assignments and projects and screwing up quizzes :-(((((...( Well this sums up my emotions as I enter my 2nd semester here in IIT Bombay. This semester we have to take 4 courses as credit along with one seminar. Prof Dhamdhare, our faculty advisor, had agreed to guide me for my seminar, so the headache of seeking seminar guides was over. But going by his reputation of strictness and hard to please nature, combined with my lazy nature, we sure are going to have some fun in the days to come :D. I had already decided that I will take up an R&D project this semester, instead of a course. It gives me several advantages. 1) No end sem and mid sem exams 2) No quizes and assignments 3) Extra 3 non-lecture hours per week, which will be fruitfully, carefully and productivily used in bed. But there is no such thing as free lunch. So the cons are 1) Several research papers to read up....

My entry into professional life

July 11 2005. Not just another day. At least not for me. It was the first day of my professional life. The day when I entered the big bad world of corporates. Me, along with my college classmates Ashok, Rajappan and Arup were in the train to Mysore on July 8th... Flashback...Colour replaced by Black and White screen Interviewer announcing my name, looking in my direction and smiling with tears in his eyes thanking me for choosing his company. Sob touching (Actually he just announced names of all the 100 odd guys who got through the interviews and just left. But let's not get bogged down by silly details like this). " Pehla nasha pehla khumar " plays in the background I am jumping in the air doing the leg 180 degree leg stretch. (It's another thing that I have torn 3 good pants trying this out in real).In flashback scenes, slow motion is allowed. So by the time I come back to the ground, the song is done with. Flashback done, 70mm color screen comes back. Me s...