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Are we truly IITians?

We IITians are proud to proclaim to the world that we are the best, that we are the cream of the country. But are we really so?Not so, in my opinion. Just being the technological masters is not a sure shot way to proclaim that one is the best. We pride ourselves to be getting the best education in the country, but then are we behaving in a manner befitting that? A big NO. Why? Well read more to find out.

In my UG days, it is a rare phenomenon that there is water supply 24x7 in the college hostel. In fact, in those days there used to be something called water strikes. These strikes were called by the students in the hostel to protest against the lack of water supply during day or night. It often happens that the water supply in the hostel would be disrupted for days together. But in IIT, I have not experienced a single day where there was no water supply. But it is precisely for this reason that water is considered so cheap here and wasted like anything. I can give you so many instances:

1) We have a tap in our wing's bathroom. which needs to be pushed a little harder than an ordinary tap, to close it completely. But why should anyone care about it? The guys here just use the tap and then leave the bathroom without closing it completely. Result? Water keeps flowing all day and goes wasted. Everyday, and I mean every single day, I would end up closing that tap atleast 5 times.

2) In the mornings, when guys are busy brushing their teeth, they simply keep the tap open, as if cleaniness of their teeth depends directly on the amount of water wasted. Same goes for shaving. These guys just keep the tap open and then go on shaving, once in a while putting the blade under the tap to clean it. The better option would be to just open the tap when needed or even better, collect water in a mug and then clean the blade by dipping it in the mug.These guys, who don't realise the value of water, must be taken to places where people walk 10-20 kms to just get a pail of water. But no, that is not right.Why? Because we are IITians and we can do whatever we want and no one cares a shit.

The same things apply in case of electricity also. It seems as if IITians have their hands programmmed such that the moment he/she enters the bathroom, it goes straight towards the switch to put on the tubelight, even if the bathroom might be located in the centre of the sun. During the afternoons there is so much light that one actually needs some instument to reduce the light. Even then one can find all the tube lights on.But then who cares. Why? Because we are IITians and we can do whatever we want and no one cares a shit.

One needs to visit our hostel mess to see the amount of food that gets wasted everyday. Though food wastage during breakfast is not so high, it grows exponentially for lunch and dinner. Though I am not 100% innocent here, I have always tried my best to make sure that I take only that much amount which I would require. And I can say with good confidence that I have been 95% successful in this, though, anything less than 100% is nothing to be happy of. In this regard I must make a special mention of my friend Ajitav, who is very particular that he doesn't waste food. If one sees his plate after he has finished his lunch or dinner, it would be hard to believe that he had food from that plate because it would be so clean and nothing would be left on the plate to indicate that food had been served in this plate. In fact I have great respect for him in this regard and has been trying to follow him.

But then there are some guys who gets great pleasure in wasting food, every single time. It's like as if their life mission is to waste food. Even the pictures of poor malnourished children of other countries,waiting in line with empty plates, plastered all over the mess, fails to make any impact on them. But then why should we care. We paid for the food like anyone else so what we do with the food is our business.Why? Because we are IITians and we can do whatever we want and no one cares a shit.

We have a very beautiful clean campus in IIT.
(We have lots of "Use Me" waste baskets at regular distance, which is a rarity in India. Absence of such waste baskets are one of the main reasons why streets across our country are being littered like anything. This is not to say that wherever there are "Use Me" boxes, the place is like heaven. Atleast it doesn't provide the public with an excuse to litter the streets).

According to me, it is every IITians' responsibility to make sure that it remains the same beautiful campus as it ever was. But then this doesn't even figure in the priority list of some students. So what do they do? They keep spitting on the road ( seeing the frequncy at which some people spit, I really wonder whether a human can produce so much saliva), they urinate on the side roads(Try taking a night stroll in the campus and you can see atleast one such case), throw away used plastic bottles anywhere other than into a "Use Me" basket. Some of my friends are also guilty of one or more of the things mentioned above. Their main excuse is that irrespective of whether they do these things or not the animals that roam around the campus keeps doing all these things and litter the campus, so what's the big deal if they too do it. Frankly speaking, I don't think I will be able to convince these people who wants to compare their activities with that of the street animals. I was under the impression that the one of the main difference between animals and humans were our ability to think. Well these guys really don't think so.Why? Because we are IITians and we can do whatever we want and no one cares a shit.


TW said…
very timely piece.
i am myself extremely bothered by each & every point you mentioned - dripping taps, flashing bathroom-lights & all.
seems the 15-aug-08 exercise we did has resulted in nothing.
what can we really do about it ?
if you have any ideas, pl share.
i am v much eager to stop this wastage.
(of course it looks stupid to speak all this on net instead of face-to-face, given our rooms are hardly at a stone-throw distance, but i felt it's important to appreciate it here as you took efforts to point out the things here - will catch you in person to discuss ideas soon)
Anonymous said…
Sree, you have pointed out all the problems very accurately. But this should not end up in writing it. This article needs to be placed at a proper place. Possible suggestions:-
1) Communities of IITB and IITB-CSE and our own community.
2) H6 mailing list. We have had enough of spams, lets now have some useful content being spread allover.
3) H6,H7 notice board.

Good to see someone who is conscious about the preservation of resources.
Anonymous said…
I really don't have words to comment on your article. But one thing that I would like to say is that those who are guilty of doing all this are seriously a burden on this earth. Seriously something has to be done to stop all this. I can't understand why educated people do this. Well whatever the reason be I really wish to contribute in stopping all this. I don't know how to make people stop doing all this. So, if you people come up with some good ideas, please share them here so that I can feel fortunate to contribute my efforts in implementing it. Else, we can call a meeting of MTech1s to form a group of those who seriously want to play a role in stopping all this.
Roshini said…
Kudos to u Sree, for bringing this out in open, where all of us can see and try to improve ourselves in all ways we can. As someone has commented, u do need to put this in ur campus notice boards/ group mails. If THE IIT people are like this, we cant complain of the local folks!
Anonymous said…
first look at urself. don't try to be a social-worker.
Anonymous said…
Sree, I see ALL the problems that you mentioned, and forgot to mention (wasteful printing, all lights in corridors on at night instead of alternate ones, lab lights & ACs on though its locked, trash left behind at OAT, smoking inside campus to name a few) here at IIT Madras too. It bugs me to no end. But the thing that bugs me THE MOST is the attitude displayed in the previous comment:

Anonymous said...

first look at urself. don't try to be a social-worker.

Callousness. Indifference. I-don't-give-a-damn-so-why-should-you attitude. I happened to see a very similar incident last week, near the mess. A guy from a gang of 3 4 guys bent, took a plastic bottle lying on the road and dropped it into the dustbin. The rest started attacking him as if he made a sin. "What's with you?" "Why do you care?" "Now you'll go pick all trash in all roads?" etc etc. Blog on indifference. Lets attack that first.

And I differ with you on one point. You made accurate observations, but the cause is not that the guys are IITians. They're just immature and irresponsible punks..

I'm extremely paranoid about indiscriminate usage of water, paper, electricity and fuel. Great to see that you too are like that :) :)
sree said…
Good to see more guys enthusiastic about this

Thx :)

Nothing to say to u sir

My intention was not to say that only IITians are like this. My point was that being an IITian is a special privilege since it provides us with so much respect from the society.An IITian is looked upon by the society as a role model, which means we guys have more responsibility to be sensitive to these issues. Happy to see u too share my views on the issues I have mentioned in the blog :)
Unknown said…
I confess tht m responsible for wastage of food most of d time and I ll try to do d "Ajitav" giri now onwards.
But I try 2 tak good care of other points u mentioned. lik One of ma friend was throwing kachra on the Corridoor, I asked hime no to do so.
He replied "Arre kachra kiya to kya hua Wo Zaduwale hai unko kuch kam milega unko accha lagega".

Same person was leaving his room without switchin off the light nd fan . I asked again "Arre yar Mere gharpe 5-6 hrs loadshedding hota hai nd tum log Itna power waste kar rahe ho " n he replied "Duniyadari kyu karneka. sab band kiya to muze ratko macchar katte hai."

Seriously this Suxx bigtime..
Anonymous said…
Hey sree,

Happy you took the effort to write this post. I had one sitting in by drafts for a while now. There was a LOT of overlap between yours and mine :)

After reading your post, I changed mine, took a similar one and posted :) Check it out..
Akhi.. said…
Even I m ready and interested in helping all you out to avoid what sree pointed out...

I m done with posting sree's blog on our community, MTech-1's & MTech-2's mailing list..

I too request to present some ideas every where this msg of sree is posted..
Akhi.. said…
I think this idea is bit time consuming but can we create a documentary on such things..

In which we can show both parts of sree post..

for example
miss/over use VS unavailability
of resources like electricity, water, etc all those things mentioned by sree in the post..
Kaushik said…
I don't think this attitude has got anything to do with being an IITian. As in, I don't think any IITian is actually behaving the way he is specifically because he is an IITian. Yes, if you say that as IITians (generally belonging to the intellectual elite of society), they should specifically ensure that such things should not happen, it is valid. The apathy stems more from within. Well, I probably am not spot on because I'm not an IITian, but I'm assuming that's the case.
Aj Rocker said…
With you my friend, completely in support.
Sue said…
Hey Sree, point well brought out.

Well someone above has commented that maybe 15 aug exercise hasnt brought any change, but I would say that all was not in vain. The girls in our hostel, atleast in my wing, seem to have become a bit more conscious than before regarding the extra lights, whether in the corridor or in the bathroom.

Those of us who are congnizant of this issue need to keep pressing it and giving it due importance such that it can turn around the "indifferent ones" and make them see that it does matter, it matters a lot.
Unknown said…
All your findings are great and in fact I also tried to correct my friends by asking them to switch off PC's not in use but got only negative response. People really don't understand the value of electricity and the amount of power cuts that is going on around our country. We should take all these guys to a poor little village with no electricity, no clean drinking water in fact no water and ask them to live there for a day, then only these guys will understand. This is high time we should wake up. Being in IIT if we did not understand all these then god only can help us.
sree said…
Exactly what I was trying to say. If the so called cream of the country don't act responsibily, then this country has no future. All these things that I mentioned maybe small in isolation. But when each of us "contribute" to this wastage, the impact is huge

Thx sir :)

Glad to see the aug 15th exercise was not fully ineffective. Let's just hope the indifferent ones realise the value of these resources sooner than later

My thoughts exactly

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