Well well well, what have we here. Another post on classmates. Hmm how can it be different from the one that was posted earlier. Hmm let's see, this post is being written after getting a much better understanding of my peers when compared with the last post on them, which was posted just about a month or so after I joined IIT, this post will have new heros, this post will see introduction of heroines since the last post was a all-male movie and last, but not the least, this post will be more ruthless. No one's good deeds/behaviour will find a mention here, since I am not here to give these guys/gals grades. You see I can't help being evil. This post may result in my kidnapping or maybe kick in my ass by the characters mentioned below, but I am taking that risk in the supreme interest of my nation...err sorry blog. It will be a bit long post, so please bear with me. So here we go...
Anand Raj
This guy should be actually renamed Miner Raj. He is out to learn all the existing data mining concepts in this world. So what does he do? He takes up Data mining, Statistical Foundation of Relational Learning (whew), Graphical models and Web mining courses. Well if you thought that was it, you are wrong g. He's going to take computational biology also!!!!Why? He thinks DNA is full of data and he wants to mine it!!! O someone please save him. Nowdays he evens talks in Data mining language (whatever that is). Just read the below chat that I had with him .
Me : Hey, u know Manav from electrical department.
Anand : Yeah I do.
Me : How much do you know him. I mean is it just hi-bye type.
Anand : Well I have 45% confidence level with 90% statistical importance.
Me :#$@!@#$)$%#@!@#@%$
Aah no improvement here. Same old Aadi boy churning out blog after blog which he claims to be philosophy (but god knows what actually it is), minute after minute, which goes higher and higher over my head each time he posts a new one. But then he still manages to screw up his simple CR duties with amazing frequency and clarity. Wonder how he can do that. And he still has many pending treats which he has yet to honour...grrr.
The lucknow sisters - Ambika and Shubangi
There...our heroines have entered the scene. You may be wondering why pairing is done here. Well the story goes that both of them were actually the first siamese twins to have been born in lucknow. But as luck would have it, now they are seperated (how that happened is still a mystery). So thus the pairing. Well about sister number 1, Ambika, well she has this amazing ability to not study until the last day of the exam and yet top the class. When I asked her how she does that, she said it was simple "just sit through the whole night without sleeping and study the entire thing". And she suggested I should try that one out too if I wanted to top the class. Well I took her advice and did the same. And sure enough I did top the class....from the bottom @#$$@%#^$#. Some advice.
Sister number 2 : This girl is a real mystery. Sample this. She sits in front of the Indian Astronomy class. She listens with so much passion at what sir is teaching, nods at whatever he is telling, furiously writing down notes. At the end of the class when asked how the class was, thus was her reply
" Aree yaar it was soo boring".
What!!! It was boring to you? This is your idea of a boring class...you listen, you write down notes, you keep nodding...O for heaven's sake if it is a boring class then show it in your actions...Go to sleep!!!!Haven't she ever read the rules manual on students' behaviour in class? Clause 56 clearly states that students are expected to express their feelings in the class.
Jayalakshmi a.k.a meenu a.k.a evening-walker-who-thinks-it-is-actually-jogging/running
This girl has got some serious problems facing her. Either she has fallen for a handsome guy and is out to impress him or she must have got a stern warning from her mom- either way she is into too much exercising nowdays. Walking (she says it's jogging), swimming, trekking and what not. It's another thing that she now eats twice as much food as before. But then hey, someone here is doing some serious slimming down and she needs encouragement. Clap clap clap...
Adil - Ajitav
Well another pairing. Why? Well nothing happens without a reason. I seriously think these guys were husband and wife in their last birth. One day they pull out each others' hair, next day they are all over each other (err I mean as friends. Don't get me wrong here). I sometimes wonder who would have been the husband out of these 2 in their last birth. If I were to hazard a guess then it would be as follows : Adil is into heavy weights gymming and since girls don't usually do heavyweights....well remaining you guys figure it out.
Sriram Kasyap
If anyone would have told me that Newton has taken a punarjanm (rebirth), then I could have answered "I knew it". Nothing else can explain how he keeps blabbering about God knows what all. Einstein would be crying in his grave right now, thinking of all the theories which he failed to come up and which now comes out of this guy's mouth the moment we sit down to have our lunch. His favourite timepass being computer programming, I shudder to think what material his dreams are made of. Not that I am interested. Just that keeping a tab of that would have easily given a PhD guy a thesis. Lucky he is not much interested in data mining, or else God knows what would have happened had Goliath (Anand: height 225 cm???he does looks so) crossed swords with David (Sreeram: height 125 cm???).
Sriraj Paul a.k.a CP
Can't tell you guys the full form of CP, it is a secret only few knows, so let's keep it that way. Well here's a guy whose concept of an english rock song is "Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way...". He has this amazing ability to ponder over problems which never exists!!! Sample this
Some of us were watching a movie. Suddenly the player stopped playing. Sriraj kept looking at the screen for a long time. The remaining guys were wondering what was happening
Me: "Oyee what are you doing"
Sriraj : "Hmm I am not able to find out why the VLC player stopped playing. Maybe the file is corrupt. Or maybe we need to upgrade the player. Or maybe there may be it is a virus. Or maybe..."
Me : "Or maybe the first CD is over and you need to play the 2nd CD. Play the damn 2nd CD idiot"
Sriraj : O yeah right...
Well I wanted to write about some more people, but I guess this is more than enough for one post. In case any of you hear about any kidnapping or murder in the campus in the next few days, well you can find my home address with the hostel warden in hostel 6. Please do inform my family.
Anand Raj
This guy should be actually renamed Miner Raj. He is out to learn all the existing data mining concepts in this world. So what does he do? He takes up Data mining, Statistical Foundation of Relational Learning (whew), Graphical models and Web mining courses. Well if you thought that was it, you are wrong g. He's going to take computational biology also!!!!Why? He thinks DNA is full of data and he wants to mine it!!! O someone please save him. Nowdays he evens talks in Data mining language (whatever that is). Just read the below chat that I had with him .
Me : Hey, u know Manav from electrical department.
Anand : Yeah I do.
Me : How much do you know him. I mean is it just hi-bye type.
Anand : Well I have 45% confidence level with 90% statistical importance.
Me :#$@!@#$)$%#@!@#@%$
Aah no improvement here. Same old Aadi boy churning out blog after blog which he claims to be philosophy (but god knows what actually it is), minute after minute, which goes higher and higher over my head each time he posts a new one. But then he still manages to screw up his simple CR duties with amazing frequency and clarity. Wonder how he can do that. And he still has many pending treats which he has yet to honour...grrr.
The lucknow sisters - Ambika and Shubangi
There...our heroines have entered the scene. You may be wondering why pairing is done here. Well the story goes that both of them were actually the first siamese twins to have been born in lucknow. But as luck would have it, now they are seperated (how that happened is still a mystery). So thus the pairing. Well about sister number 1, Ambika, well she has this amazing ability to not study until the last day of the exam and yet top the class. When I asked her how she does that, she said it was simple "just sit through the whole night without sleeping and study the entire thing". And she suggested I should try that one out too if I wanted to top the class. Well I took her advice and did the same. And sure enough I did top the class....from the bottom @#$$@%#^$#. Some advice.
Sister number 2 : This girl is a real mystery. Sample this. She sits in front of the Indian Astronomy class. She listens with so much passion at what sir is teaching, nods at whatever he is telling, furiously writing down notes. At the end of the class when asked how the class was, thus was her reply
" Aree yaar it was soo boring".
What!!! It was boring to you? This is your idea of a boring class...you listen, you write down notes, you keep nodding...O for heaven's sake if it is a boring class then show it in your actions...Go to sleep!!!!Haven't she ever read the rules manual on students' behaviour in class? Clause 56 clearly states that students are expected to express their feelings in the class.
Jayalakshmi a.k.a meenu a.k.a evening-walker-who-thinks-it-is-actually-jogging/running
This girl has got some serious problems facing her. Either she has fallen for a handsome guy and is out to impress him or she must have got a stern warning from her mom- either way she is into too much exercising nowdays. Walking (she says it's jogging), swimming, trekking and what not. It's another thing that she now eats twice as much food as before. But then hey, someone here is doing some serious slimming down and she needs encouragement. Clap clap clap...
Adil - Ajitav
Well another pairing. Why? Well nothing happens without a reason. I seriously think these guys were husband and wife in their last birth. One day they pull out each others' hair, next day they are all over each other (err I mean as friends. Don't get me wrong here). I sometimes wonder who would have been the husband out of these 2 in their last birth. If I were to hazard a guess then it would be as follows : Adil is into heavy weights gymming and since girls don't usually do heavyweights....well remaining you guys figure it out.
Sriram Kasyap
If anyone would have told me that Newton has taken a punarjanm (rebirth), then I could have answered "I knew it". Nothing else can explain how he keeps blabbering about God knows what all. Einstein would be crying in his grave right now, thinking of all the theories which he failed to come up and which now comes out of this guy's mouth the moment we sit down to have our lunch. His favourite timepass being computer programming, I shudder to think what material his dreams are made of. Not that I am interested. Just that keeping a tab of that would have easily given a PhD guy a thesis. Lucky he is not much interested in data mining, or else God knows what would have happened had Goliath (Anand: height 225 cm???he does looks so) crossed swords with David (Sreeram: height 125 cm???).
Sriraj Paul a.k.a CP
Can't tell you guys the full form of CP, it is a secret only few knows, so let's keep it that way. Well here's a guy whose concept of an english rock song is "Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way...". He has this amazing ability to ponder over problems which never exists!!! Sample this
Some of us were watching a movie. Suddenly the player stopped playing. Sriraj kept looking at the screen for a long time. The remaining guys were wondering what was happening
Me: "Oyee what are you doing"
Sriraj : "Hmm I am not able to find out why the VLC player stopped playing. Maybe the file is corrupt. Or maybe we need to upgrade the player. Or maybe there may be it is a virus. Or maybe..."
Me : "Or maybe the first CD is over and you need to play the 2nd CD. Play the damn 2nd CD idiot"
Sriraj : O yeah right...
Well I wanted to write about some more people, but I guess this is more than enough for one post. In case any of you hear about any kidnapping or murder in the campus in the next few days, well you can find my home address with the hostel warden in hostel 6. Please do inform my family.
You must get into some intelligence agency for profiling people .. :-)
bahut badhiya ..
looking forward for many such posts
nice post ... :)
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.