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Showing posts from February, 2009

Birthday goodies

Birthday bumps. Aah what a beautiful concept. The very thought of toasting the guy's ass for the unpardonable mistake of dropping down to this earth. Great right. Well not exactly. Not when it is your ass which is doing all the receiving. Even if you forget your own birthday, there would be a set of "loyal" followers who makes sure you don't so easily forget that you just completed one more year of burdening Mother Earth,each year, every year. During my initial days in IIT, I used to hear strange noises coming from somewhere in the hostel corridor. The funny thing was that these sounds start coming soon after 12 am. And it was almost a daily affair. Later on I came to know that it is actually a birthday celebration. And this is how it goes... The birthday boy is first made to "embrace" the wall. Before the "execution" starts the birthday boy is allowed to say a silent prayer "May my ass rest in peace" Others also joins him in his prayer...

The old man and the mess

The mention of hostel mess doesn't give me pleasant thoughts, atleast not when the food is concerned. It gives me nightmares even to think of having lunch or dinner from our hostel mess, though there are exceptions some days. But this post is not about how I feel about my hostel mess. It is about an old man in our mess. Since I don't know his name we will call him Mr Hero (since he is the hero of my post). Now our Hero is a mess staff member. As far as I have seen and experienced, he is not into cooking. His expertise lies in arranging washed glasses on all the food tables and to make sure the water jug on all tables is constantly full. So why is he the protagonist of my post? Well here goes. Hero seemed to be have issues with other fellow staff members. At the rate of atleast 2 fights per day, he makes sure that he covers all the mess members in one week. But though his fights are, in general, not against any one person, he does have a special "liking" to a particula...

How to speak in Telugu

PS: Before I start my new blog, a small token of appreciation for my friend Akhilesh Ladha . He has been very enthusiastic about my previous post "Are we truly IITians" and has been trying to forward this message of resource conservation across as many people as possible. It includes posting the post on our Mtech newsgroup, orkut community and also to his hostel mailing list. Really appreciate your effort my friend. How to speak in Telugu ------------------------- There are lots of side effects of having a guy from a different region, talking a completely strange language, as one's roommate. The main (dis)advantage is that you get to learn (or maybe forced to learn) a whole new language. Well, mine case is no different either. And after around 8 months of sharing the same room with my roomie Sheiku, here I am , equipped with an entirely new language...Telugu. My roomie is from a place called Guntur in Andhra Pradesh. So most of his calls are either from his home town or ...