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Fun with GD

Note : Thanks to Akshat and Ladha for the data to write this blog :-)

This week we had a workshop on GD (Group Discussion) conducted by a reputed institute. As a part of this workshop, the students were asked to divide among themselves into groups of 8. There were around 4-5 topics that were taken up during the GD session. I would like to mention some of the interesting points that junta came up during the GD discussions.

One of the topics that were given for discussion was

"MF Hussein had painted Hitler in nude. He claimed Hitler deserved it. Then he painted Indian goddesses in nude. So does MF Hussein deserve to be welcome back to our country"

Before the GD started, the moderator had a few things to say

"In a GD, we should be shameless. That is, we should not hesitate to say what we want. Do not think what others will think of you, just say it."

And then the GD started.

The GD started well. Junta started discussing points for and against the topic. A few minutes passed. Suddenly one guy opened his mouth and went ballistic

"We should kick MF Hussein in his ass. How dare he draw nude pictures of Hitler. What does he think of himself. He is an insult to the nation. He should be given a taste of his own medicine. I know what to do with him. We should draw a nude picture of him and then sent it to him by post."

Hmm really makes me wonder whether M F Hussein drew this guy's nude picture, going by how much this guy "loves" M F Hussein.

Another guy came up with a very "genuine" doubt.

"I think this topic is utterly false. How can M F Hussein draw the nude picture of Hitler"

Moderator : "Why"

"M F Hussein was not even born then na"

Well thus went the first GD topic.

The next topic up for discussion was

"Whom does your vote go to : Mukesh Ambani or Ratan Tata"

This too started fine. Somehow most of the junta's votes were going to Tata. And they had pretty strong reasons too. Checkout the reason given by one guy :-

"My vote goes to Ratan Tata because Mukesh Ambani didn't make his empire, he only inherited it"

Moderator : "Even Tata inherited Tata group. He did not make it"

"But Ratan Tata is a good man na. So it is fine."

The poor moderator had no answer to that.

But Mr Ambani too had supporters in the group. Try this

"Tata doesn't care about the employees"

Moderator : "Why do you say so"

"Well how can a person, who doesn't take care of himself, take care of his employees"

Moderator : "And why do you say he doesn't take care of himself"

"Because he is still unmarried na. So you see, if you don't marry how will you know how your wife feels. And if you don't know how your wife feels, how will you know how your employees' wives feel. And if you don't know how your employees' wives feel, how will you know how the employees feel."

The moderator by now had a "What-the-hell-am-I-doing-here" look on his face.

One guy came out with a "Nano" support to Tata

"Tata built a Nano car for the poor. So I vote for him"

Prompt came the opposition

"You call that a car? And what a stupid name : "Nano". It should have been "Maaro" [Hindi for beating]. Does it even look like a car. Looks more like a doghouse. The metal used is so thin. Tyres are so small. Seat comfort goes for a toss. A cycle's handle turns better than it's steering wheel...."

On and on went this guy. Looked like, for him, Mukesh Ambani was not even in the picture. As far as he was concerned the vote is between Tata and "Maaro".

Atlast this discussion also ended.

The next topic was

"India's GDP in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is 4th in the world, but in terms of HDI, we are ranked 132nd"

In this discussion everyone was given a chance to speak for one whole minute.

Discussion started. It was speaker number one's chance to speak.

But what happened was that most of the guys had no clue at all about GDP, HDI, PPP etc. Everyone started looking at each other.

After looking helplessly at everyone for a few seconds speaker number one started speaking

"Hmm idea...And then HDI...absolutely no idea.....but I guess since this GDP thing is growing, it should be a good thing. Let it keep growing. Then HDI...hopefully it won't fall down more"

He must have taken around 20 seconds to say so much, as supposed to one minute that he is to talk. The remaining time he just kept looking at everyone else. Silence prevailed.

One minute up.
Second speaker's chance to speak. Well he was no better.

"I total agree with my friend here."

Needless to say it was silence for the remaining 55 seconds.

When my chance came, I managed to talk some crap to fill in my one minute. In between I said the following in the context of corruption in India

"As Rajiv Gandhi said, out of every 100 paise spent on various schemes, only one paisa reaches the needy. Rest of the money goes into the pockets of the babus"

When my time was up, the guy sitting next to me started talking.

"I agree with my friend here. I also agree with Rajiv Gandhi...and his one paisa...and his 100 paise."

The moderator was at his wits end trying to make out what this guy was saying. I guess this maybe the last time he may ever attend a GD session in our college.


Akhi.. said…
seriously sree you have done a very very good job..
you hv mixed up GDs in different groups so nicely that they look to hv happen in only one group..
you should be a writer who mixes stories of 3-4 different story and comes up with totally new nd original story..
Akshat Saxena said…
you forgot to mention the incident when a girl(remember her!!) tried to justify MF's painting goddesses with her hand gestures and CREATIVITY stuff [;-)]
sree said…
Thx bhai

That wud have been a bit too much. Poora H11 aake mere ko maarega :D
Aj said…
aliya muttan comedy!!! ROTFL
sk said…
great job dude
Zindagii Live! said…
Most Hilarious GD Session.. amazing write up...
ZEAL said…
Enjoyed the GD session with you all .

Beautifully written !

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