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A homework half done is a homework not done

For the last one week, I had been attending a 6-day course of Art of Living (AOL). Not that I have any hope that I am going to be any better than what I was before the course. Let's just say it is this small curiosity to know what actually these guys teach. But I must say I am pretty impressed by what I have been experiencing throughout the course and, I feel, if practiced daily, will certainly be beneficial. But being the lazy guy that I am, that's just going to remain a pipe dream.

The course is being conducted by a person called Salil. He is one of the many AOL teachers. This guy has a tremendous sense of humor (and I must say, after meeting some other AOL teachers, this strait seems to be a common one among all of them). He explains things in such a lucid and funny way that whatever he says, will get registered in our heads (including my dumb one) for a very long time. At the end of each day, each of us is given a homework to complete. One such homework that was given was

"Do 5 random acts of kindness".

We were given a time of one day for this task.

The next day, as usual, everyone gathered in the hall. Salil bhai came in. After a few introductory words, he asked,

"So how many of you did your homework yesterday".

Many hands rose into the air. As you may have guessed, I didn't raise. Salil then asked one of the persons, who raised his hand, to stand up. His name was Ramesh (name changed to protect the identity of this person. Another insignificant reason is I don't know his actual name).

Salil : "So you did your homework right"

Ramesh : "Yes sir, I did 4 acts of kindness"

Salil : "O you did 4 acts of kindness!!!"

Ramesh (with a very happy face) : "Yes sir"

Salil : "Well, what was the homework"

Ramesh : "Do 5 random acts of kindness"

Salil : "So how many did you do"

Ramesh : "4 sir"

Salil : "So did you do your homework"

Ramesh : "Yes sir...partially"

Salil : "O you did your homework partially...hmmm..."
(After 2 seconds of silence)

Salil : "are you pregnant"

Ramesh (with his mouth wide opened and shocked) : "What!!!"

Salil : "Are you pregnant"

The poor guy looks down. Did the belly give it away?

Ramesh : "Definitely no sir"

Salil : "You sure?"

Ramesh : "100 percent"

Salil : "Not even partially pregnant?"

Ramesh : "No sir"

Salil : "So you can either be only not pregnant or pregnant right. There is nothing like partial pregnancy right"

Ramesh : "Yes sir"

Salil : "So you did your homework"

Ramesh : "Sir...but...4...I did...only one left.."

Salil : "You pregnant?"

Ramesh : "Ok ok I didn't do the homework"

Salil : "Aaah there you are, now you may sit down"

Needless to say, when Salil repeated the question
"Now who all have done the homework",
not a single hand went up into the air. Well, I am not alone in the laziness department.


Akash said…
Good lesson for all....
But Sree, are U pregnant?
Anonymous said…
Not up to the mark this time.
I expected something more familiar and better.

This post seems like just an arbit attempt to keep the continuity, but I believe you could have done better by choosing a topic of more importance which happened last week.
Anonymous said…
I would rather see that you put a honest and complete account of what you saw and learnt through the AOL sessions, rather than putting up a spiced up version of what you experienced (Not referring to this post in particular); Though its your Blog and you have a right to add humor, just my opinion that it pays to be honest ALWAYS ( That includes Blogs too) !!! Cheers.
sree said…

Well, as we were taught in our class, it's not possible to satisfy everyone. Everyone is entitled to their opinions

This, by the way is my classmate Chander :). Again, as we were told in the course, don't be a football of others opinion. If I feel I need to write about something, I certainly will, since, as you correctly pointed out, in my blog I write what I feel, not others. By the way, I don't know what you meant by dishonesty here since whatever I have mentioned here is what actually happened there. As regards other blogs, I have always mentioned that whatever I write is an exaggerated version. That is how it has always been and that is how it will always going to be. And next time I certainly hope you have the courage to post a comment in your name rather than being anonymous :)
Archana K B said…
kashtam... vere valla example um avarkku upayogichoodayirunno!! and you say you are impressed with them!! :|
sree said…
well, I don't see any problem with what he said....but then I guess opinions vary...and don't base your opinion of AOL on just this one incident...I can guarantee you, it will be worth the effort if you attend a course of theirs.
Unknown said…
Okay...Let me say by what i meant by a honest account... Dishonesty (in this particular scenario) is leaving out something that maybe involves you through the AOL experience ; Hope you put what you experienced through AOL rather than watching some other guy's a** whipped. I understand that its your Blog, and you may have a personal motivation of what looked interesting, but people who really read ur Blog, would also wanto know what u went through ; Just a Suggestion, the onus of taking it or leaving it is entirely upon you.

And also, following universal axioms/truths like being honest EVEN in blogs is not being a football to other's opinions. Following them requires a lot more courage than the traditionally acclaimed mantra "Football to other's opinions".

Thirdly, i posted as an anonymous entity, since i did not have a Blogger account. Not that i was afraid of voicing my opinions in your Blog. "Ooooooh....Writing in Sree's blog made me wet my Pants."

I hope u patiently read this, and take it with a pinch of salt just like i do when i read your Blogs !!!
sree said…
The aim of this particular post was not to narrate my AOL experiences. That I may do so, some other time, if I feel like writing about it. So I really don't think your version of honesty fits here.

Then for posting comments, one need not have a blogger account, one's gmail id will suffice...hope u know it atleast now. And then about the wetting of ur pants, u don't have to wet ur pants if u wanna post a comment here. Do it by all means :D

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