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Guys day out

Sometime around last month, some of us had gone lappie shopping. Me and Vinu had been planning to buy a lappie for sometime now. On that day we were joined by Anand, Ajitav, Nazeem and Kukri. Though he didn't come, the person who was most enthusiastic that I get a lappie was my roomie Sheiku. Not that he cared two hoots about my lappie, but he was finally going to see a day when his lappie would be free from my evil clutches. The poor guy had a tough time, for the past one year, trying to dislodge me from the front of his laptop. There were also rumors that he had tried to rent a bulldozer to kick me out, but apparently the security guys at the main gate reportedly stopped him and said he needs to get permission from the Dean of human affairs, for issues related to kicking out irritating roomies. All day long he was encouraging me to go and buy my lappie, even offering me goodies like if I do manage to get hold of my own lappie, he would sponsor a dinner for me. Heights of desperation!!!

So thus we 6 heroes, out on a critical mission to save Sheiku from the ultimate depression that comes with sharing room with roomies like me, set out to seek our goals. We went to Mulund, got into an electronics shop (Chroma), spent some time looking at the models and atlast decided that it was going to be a DELL inspiron 1545. We used Anand's credit card and paid for both our lappies. Mission accomplished.

But now the question was where next. After some squabbling in the middle of the road, we decided that the next destination was going to be CST (Chatrapati Sivaji Terminus). After a 45 minute train journey we reached CST. Outside the station, there was a beggar sitting on the roadside. He looked into my eyes with a deep emotional face. I fell for it. His looks melted my otherwise rock solid heart and he became richer by Rs.5.

The round 2 of "where next" started. Some brilliant guy suggested "Tendulkar's". It's a restaurant owned by our own Sachin Tendulkar. No one else had any other bright ideas and so the resolution was passed unanimously. We got into 2 taxis and set forth to our destination. 5 mins later we were all standing in front of the restaurant, staring blankly at the notice put up in front

"Closed for renovation"

"So anyone else has any more bright ideas???", I asked. Nazeem, who was standing next to me, raised his hand.
"I have one"
, he said.
"Well what is it", I asked.
He replied with a smile on the face "We can go to Deluxe".

"What the hell is that. Is it some shopping mall. Because if so I don't think my stomach will allow me to go to a mall when it had been crying 'food' 'food' for the last one hour", I replied.

With an even bigger smile, Nazeem replied "Nopes it's a good mallu restaurant".

The mention of a mallu restaurant brought a smile to all of us. The only non-mallu in the group, Ajitav, also agreed to the idea.

"Great so what are we waiting for, let's go", I said.

Nazeem (frowning a bit as if he remembered something important just now) : "Well a small problem."

Ajitav : "What is it"

Nazeem : "I forgot the exact location"

Everyone : "#$@%$#%@#$@. "

Ajitav : "Ok no problem, just tell me some landmark and I will try to find the location".

After thinking for sometime...
Nazeem : "There are lots of trees on the road side"

We looked around us. There was nothing but trees in all directions.
We looked back and glared at Nazeem.

Nazeem : "Err right, not a very good clue I suppose. Let me see whether I can remember any other landmark"

One minute....two minutes....five minutes....everyone holding their hungry tummies

"Aah I got another one", shouted Nazeem

Ajitav : "About time. Ok so what is it"

Nazeem : "There is a tar road in front of the restaurant"

Ajitav (turning red): "#$@%$#%@#$@"

"Ok how about 'The restaurant was build from bricks'".

Ajitav's face turned dark purple.

"A white Skoda car was parked outside the restaurant that day"

Smoke coming out from Ajitav's ears.

"There was a beggar sitting outside"

Ajitav starts plucking out hair from his head.

This went on for sometime. But inspite of these earth shattering clues, Ajitav was unable to locate the exact location of the restaurant.

Silence for 5 minutes. Then Nazeem opened his mouth to speak.

Nazeem : "We can do one thing. If we return to CST station, I may be able to remember the way to the restaurant from the CST station"

Me : "You sure?"

Nazeem : "Yeah"

So we all boarded the taxis and returned to CST station. 10 minutes later we were standing at the same spot where we were standing just half an hour back. Productive use of time I had say. The same beggar was sitting there. Our eyes met once again. The same emotional look. Naa it's not gonna work this time buddy.

Everyone looked at Nazeem. "Ok genius, lead the way".

Nazeem : "Right, give me 10 minutes. Let me just try to remember"

After 10 minutes , Nazeem pointed at a direction and directed all of us to walk.
After walking for sometime, Nazeem stopped.

"What happened"

Nazeem : "This is the route in which we are NOT supposed to go"

Me : "What!!!!If you knew that, then why did you take this route"

Nazeem : "So that I can make you guys understand that this is the wrong route to take."

Me : "Did anyone of us enrol for your course of finding the right path by traversing all the wrong paths????"

Nazeem : "Well I thought you guys may want to know both the wrong routes and the right routes"

By this time everyone started exercising their arms and legs. Anand was halfway through his push ups. Vinu started with his squats. Nazeem sensed danger.

Me (hunger sounds coming out from stomach and anger smoke from the ears) : "Someone's ass is in the line of fire"

Nazeem covered his ass with his hands to provide it with an extra level of defence in case Vinu and Anand decided to act.

Nazeem : "Ok I am sorry, I still can't remember it exactly. Give me another chance. I will make sure you guys reach safely at Deluxe"

Again Nazeem led the way. Every now and then he looked back to see whether the others are making any concrete moves to launch missile attacks on to his ass. Tension was written all over his face. He knew he faced definite extinction if he didn't lead these hungry cannibals to some source of food.

After around half an hour of roaming around, finally he did take us to the correct place. Only then did he start breathing properly. I guess never ever would he volunteer to lead an "expedition". He had enough for one day.

A curious thing that I noticed on reaching the Deluxe was that, on the entrance it was written "Partial A/c". Now no one understood what was meant by partial A/c. Or atleast they didn't understand it till they got to experience it. It meant a "A/c which doesn't work".


Anonymous said…
Awesome description and all the emotions are perfectly depicted!!! Now this is what I call a Sree's Recipe with lot of masala and fantasy.

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