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Showing posts from 2011

All hail English

English is a very funny language. One word here or there or, for that matter, even a letter here or there, can change the whole meaning and spirit of the language. For example when Saurab bought his first guitar he wanted to tell everyone "Yeee I got my first 6 strings" , but as luck would have it his status message came out to be "Yeee I got my first G strings" . Well he still claims the status message was not his - "Ye sab opposition party ki chaal hei" . Well whatever be the case, his exact feelings didn't quite get reflected: all because a 6 became a G. But it is not the accidental interchanging of letters or words that is the main problem. Nowdays the medium of communication between various organs of the society happens to be in English. For eg: the "official" language of almost all private as well as most of the government educational institutes happens to be in English. And that, as we will soon see, is not always good. So how do th...

Nandu ban gayi engineer

Disclaimer: As usual high dose of masala and imagination involved. Nandana ( Nandu  for me) finished her schooling in 2006 and it was time for college admissions. After her entrance exams results were announced, she wanted a seat in PSG , a private engineering college in Coimbatore. But Mummy dear(my mother-in-law) was pushing for GCT , a government college, also in Coimbatore. This resulted in an intense "war" between PSG and GCT in the house. Each side employed all the modern day technologies like Google for data gathering to strengthen their arguments for and against each of these 2 colleges. The war was so intense that by the time the day for the counselling arrived, their neighbors knew more about these two colleges than even the PSG and GCT students themselves. Finally the D-day arrived. Mummy dear tried one last attempt. She made Nandu her favorite breakfast, puttu and kadala . If Mummy had hoped for a result favourable to GCT , her hopes were dashed. All she ...


What happens if you trust your roomies so much that you don't care to logout of your blog once you are done with it? Nothing much other than that your blog will get hacked. Though I am not 100% sure who wrote this, if I have to take a guess, the major credit for this post goes to Akshat bhai, with no less contributions from my dear ex-roomies Anshul and Saurab. This post had been lying as a draft for several months now. Now I am posting it verbatim. I have not changed even the title. " NOTE - The incidents of this true story have happened over past two years. This is a true story, the story  of my life. It has been several months or rather years since I have joined Matrimonial Site  but honestly, it's a sheer disappointment for me. There are several reasons for the same. First and foremost is the inability of the matrimonial site's search engine to publicize the most eligible bachelor of the state (no price for guessing ... it's me) and if by chance so...

The Trip

It was an overcast sky, with the clouds threatening to open the floodgates any moment. But Saurab cared two hoots to what the rain Gods think. His MTP (MTech Project) is over and done and according to him, he has earned his break. But with rest of Mtech CSE students still breaking their heads and laptops to complete their MTPs, poor Saurab had no one to give him company to enjoy his break. But Saurab was determined to make the best use of his break. As usual he approached his all-weather friend Akshat. "Oyee chal, Vihar lake chalte hei". Akshat, as usual, put on his "too-tired-after-work" look on his face. You can never blame him. He just finished watching Ram Gopal Varma's ki Aag!!!He had enough torture for a day. But Saurab was not the one to give in too easily. He threatened Akshat with dire consequences - singing in Akshat's room all day through- if Akshat didn't go with him. Poor Akshat had to give in. It was too much of a punishment for him....