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Showing posts from August, 2008

Freshers' Day

So finally that day was arriving....the freshers' day...which each fresher looks forward to. I don't have any memory of my UG ( I guess I bunked the class that day :D). But then I remember my UG days only for the friends I got, nothing else. But in IIT, I had come with the determination that these 2 (hopefully!!!!!!) years I am going to make it my best. So I decided chalo y not do a skit that connects with all the students ( The thing is I used to wet my pants when I see a stage during my school days. So really had no idea how this is going to be :D). This way an idea came to my mind to do a comical skit based on the some of my friends in my class. So I called up Aadi and told him whether he is fine and can do a part. He said fine. So got 1 guy. Have to get one more. People may think what's the problem of getting a guy from a batch of 90+. Dude....this is mtech 08 batch. Finally Vishal also agreed for doing a part. I also somehow managed to get an "actress", Jayal...

krishna janmashtami

The last one week was a very hectic one...due to the intermittent class timings the procedure was the same throughout...get up in the morning...have breakfast...1st class...come back and have lunch...go for the next class...come for snacks...then the next class or 2 and then tat's it...end of day...go to sleep. We have been given so much assignments that, leave studies,completing the assignments is itself a big ask. In between all these assignment chakkar, yesterday was janmashtami. It is a big time celebrations here. In our hostel also there was matki fod (break the pot) and tug-of-war events planned for the night. There was also an event occurring in our computer science department...that was the CR (Class Representative) elections. CRs basically act as an interface between the students and the department and so it was a very important one from the dept point of view. People were asked to nominate themselves to stand as candidates. But the response was pathetic. Even till the las...


After the first week or so in IITB we had a meeting of all the hostel inmates. This meeting was mainly for the freshers so that they can get to know how the hostel functions, what all events occur and so on. The first guy came forward to speak. Let's call him Mr A. We are the audience (Audi) A : Everyone please look to your right Audi : All heads turned right...we saw the TV...Oh yeah fashion TV was going on...err he wants us to see that?? A : No no not so right...a little more to the left Audi : All heads again turned left...back to facing Mr A A : ##$@$%#Q@ not so left ... fine i will my self say it...can u see 2 trophies on the table to the right Audi : He did all this circus to show us 2 trophies??? A : These were won by our hostel for the last intra-hostel cultural activity. It was won by students who had enthu (short form for enthusiasm) .We are not looking for talent, we want enthu people...enthu is what drives us to reach the goal...if we have enthu then sky is the limit ( ...

My classmates

It's been oner month now since I have been in IITB. By now I have met some interesting people. I just wanna say some few words about some of them. This post is just for if the characters in this post happen to read this, plz don't kick my ass... 1) Aaditya In person, this guy looks so different from his orkut profile ..the first time i saw him in person i thought he was about to cry and was thinking of going and consoling him. But I realised later that this was how he looked always ...he is a very bhola bhala type..and a very friendly chap....and guess wat..this guy is in top 10 in his university...he has yet to give us a treat. 2) Vishal. This ex-lecturer of some university in gujarat is a gr8 guy to be with...but nowdays he has got into this bad habit of studying beforehand,the topics that the professor is going to teach for that day...hmm guess i need to do some real advicing...he has loaded his first semester with all the network courses he can take with a single mi...

Independence Day

"Knock Knock".... I looked at my watch...7:30 am...who the hell wakes up and then knocks at the door at this time and that too on a holiday... I opened the door.."Flag hoisting ke liye aa jao" (Come for the flag hoisting) As I look to my right and left of my room, I can see all my neighbours are punished the same way...That was then I realised why it was a holiday.... It was august 15th that day...our independence day. Suddenly a thought came crashing on to me...Oh no..the speech!!! The previous day we had received a mail about the independence program that will be held in our hostel that day. The itinerary for the next day was very much inviting and I was soo "excited". It follows in the below sequence.. The hall manager comes The hall manager hurls the flag The hall manager speaks The hall manager leaves Wonder where others come into picture in this program. I dragged myself, half asleep, to the flag hoisting function (did I brush my teeth that day???) ...

meow meow

One strange thing that one can find in my hostel is the number of dogs and cats that have made our canteen their homes. I wouldn't fault someone, who arrives new at our hostel, if he thinks he lost his way and arrived in a zoo. I guess PETA guys must have got the contract to run our hostel. On my first day (or rather night since I reached my hostel at night) in hostel, after getting my dinner, I was looking for a good sofa to sit and have my dinner in front of the TV( in the TV room). I found a good chair with a good looking black sofa. I was about to sit when I saw the "sofa" opening it's eyes and it scared the shit out of me...i looked around and saw the room had less of hotel mates and more of dogs and cats. Somehow I managed to find a sofa that doesn't purr or bark and made myself comfortable. As soon as I started eating I could see the "black sofa" and another "white sofa" looking at me soo innocently...I looked back at them...

Mumbai Rain sucks

I never knew rains could irritate me soo much as it is doing now...It's been almost a month since I reached here and all what I have seen of mumbai are it's rains.All the grand plans for touring the grand city has been thrown into the dustbin.Well I guess I just have to wait it out for the rains to be over with.And by that time the exams will also be here...aaahhh rain sucks!!!!! It's election fever out here in the hostel. The 2nd years Btech guys,fondly called the sophies,are the candidates.For each and everything in the hostel they seems to have a secretary(called sec in short). There is the sports sec,cult sec (for cultural programs), tech sec,social sec blah blah...lucky they don't have a toilet sec... Campaining is on full swing...these guys can give our netas a run for their money with the way they smile for getting the votes...somehow they everytime manage to knock at my room after midnight..I wud be like $%^*&@&($@#%%...but when i open the door, i wud be...

Hi from IIT Bombay

So here goes my first blog. It's been almost 3 weeks in IIT Bombay and thought maybe this is a good time for me to start a blog.Hence this post. I joined IITB for the MTech programme in Computer science. Before this I was working in Infosys for almost 3 years. I cannot express enough how refreshingly different it is to be back in college, and that too in one of the best colleges in the country, after 3 yrs in the corporate and I am enjoying every bit of it. I reached IITB on july 15th 2008.My first thoughts when I first stepped inside IITB campus was "WOOOOOW"...The campus is soo refreshingly in sync with nature that it provides a dark contrast with the world outside the campus.In fact during my whole journey from the railway station to the campus on the day I arrived in mumbai, I was covering my nose due to the dust and pollution. But once inside campus I was just transported into another world altogether I reached the hostel allocated to me at around 8:30 pm. After comp...