"Do you believe in God or not, Yes or No", Naveen wanted to know.
"I don't believe in the concept of a person sitting above us and presiding over us", said Vinu. He was not the one to give up easily.
"I am not asking whether you believe in God as a person or the different forms of God that exists today. All I am asking is do you believe in the concept of a power that science is unable to explain", Naveen asked, trying to coax a definite answer from Vinu.
"I believe that Love is God", Vinu said.
"So u believe in God"
"Love is God"
"So it's a Yes"
"Love is God"
"So it is a yes right?"
"Love is God"
"Da poda", Naveen said irritated. "Ok, lemme put it this way, have you ever gone to a temple".
"Of course", said Vinu
"Aha there you are", Naveen said, excited. "May I know why"
"To watch girls",prompt came the answer from Vinu
"Yups, I have to agree...nothing can beat girls praying in a temple...", I chiped in, nodding my head, as if we both agreed on the same philosophical thought.
One fine morning last week, I found a forwarded message from Naveen. It was some high funda philosophy from Manusmriti, an ancient Indian book. The essence of the mail was women should never be the head of a house, ie, house should be run by hubbies, and not hi-fi wi-fies (meaning wives). The champion of womanhood, our hero Vinu, on reading this mail, opposed it tooth and nail. So replies and counter replies were exchanged between those two, with some fools like me,
acting as mute spectators, sitting and wasting our time, reading it, with nothing better to do. Even after several mails were exchanged, no compromise was in sight. So in the end, the third umpires were called for :- the smart third umpires me, Kukri,CP(Sriraj),Anand, who then took a decision to sort this out over dinner (Which meant no mess food. Great escape!!!!!!!!!!!). Over dinner, though conversation started with Manus and Smritis, it drifted and reached God.
Back to present:
Kukri suddenly looked at Naveen and asked "What makes you sure there is God"
"Aha look who's talking. Then how come you are not eating chicken today on account of being Easter today, if you didn't believe in God", Naveen asked pointedly.
Kukri didn't know what to say."I..hmm...err..So Anand, as I was telling you, Goa is a very nice place........."
As this great conversation was continuing, the waiter came to CP.
Waiter : "Kya mei aapka order le saktha hu sir"
[Can I take ur order sir]
CP: "Entho"
["What" in malayalam]
Waiter : "Kya mei aapka order le saktha hu sir"
[Can I take ur order sir]
CP : "Mei tu hei...tu mei hu?"
[Applying all of Anand's Data Mining and Machine Learning knowledge, it seems that CP was trying to tell the waiter that he didn't understand Hindi]
Waiter : "Kya"
CP: "Hindi hu hei hi"
[CP still trying to convince the waiter]
Waiter was looking as if he will faint any moment, seeing how well CP was succesful in killing his language.
CP : "Oye guys, how will I tell 'I don't know hindi' in hindi"
Vinu : " 'Know' in hindi is 'maloom'. But don't know the hindi of 'don't know'".
CP : "Yeah that will do, rest I will take care".
Then he looked at the waiter.
CP : "Hindi maloom". Then he started shaking head from left to right and then right to left. "Hindi maloom" head shake..."Hindi maloom" head shake. This continued for a few seconds.
The poor guy took a minute or so to really understand what CP was trying to say. But in the end CP's brain power did work. No wonder he's the class topper.
Meanwhile the God conversation went nowhere.
"I don't believe in the concept of a person sitting above us and presiding over us", said Vinu. He was not the one to give up easily.
"I am not asking whether you believe in God as a person or the different forms of God that exists today. All I am asking is do you believe in the concept of a power that science is unable to explain", Naveen asked, trying to coax a definite answer from Vinu.
"I believe that Love is God", Vinu said.
"So u believe in God"
"Love is God"
"So it's a Yes"
"Love is God"
"So it is a yes right?"
"Love is God"
"Da poda", Naveen said irritated. "Ok, lemme put it this way, have you ever gone to a temple".
"Of course", said Vinu
"Aha there you are", Naveen said, excited. "May I know why"
"To watch girls",prompt came the answer from Vinu
"Yups, I have to agree...nothing can beat girls praying in a temple...", I chiped in, nodding my head, as if we both agreed on the same philosophical thought.
One fine morning last week, I found a forwarded message from Naveen. It was some high funda philosophy from Manusmriti, an ancient Indian book. The essence of the mail was women should never be the head of a house, ie, house should be run by hubbies, and not hi-fi wi-fies (meaning wives). The champion of womanhood, our hero Vinu, on reading this mail, opposed it tooth and nail. So replies and counter replies were exchanged between those two, with some fools like me,
acting as mute spectators, sitting and wasting our time, reading it, with nothing better to do. Even after several mails were exchanged, no compromise was in sight. So in the end, the third umpires were called for :- the smart third umpires me, Kukri,CP(Sriraj),Anand, who then took a decision to sort this out over dinner (Which meant no mess food. Great escape!!!!!!!!!!!). Over dinner, though conversation started with Manus and Smritis, it drifted and reached God.
Back to present:
Kukri suddenly looked at Naveen and asked "What makes you sure there is God"
"Aha look who's talking. Then how come you are not eating chicken today on account of being Easter today, if you didn't believe in God", Naveen asked pointedly.
Kukri didn't know what to say."I..hmm...err..So Anand, as I was telling you, Goa is a very nice place........."
As this great conversation was continuing, the waiter came to CP.
Waiter : "Kya mei aapka order le saktha hu sir"
[Can I take ur order sir]
CP: "Entho"
["What" in malayalam]
Waiter : "Kya mei aapka order le saktha hu sir"
[Can I take ur order sir]
CP : "Mei tu hei...tu mei hu?"
[Applying all of Anand's Data Mining and Machine Learning knowledge, it seems that CP was trying to tell the waiter that he didn't understand Hindi]
Waiter : "Kya"
CP: "Hindi hu hei hi"
[CP still trying to convince the waiter]
Waiter was looking as if he will faint any moment, seeing how well CP was succesful in killing his language.
CP : "Oye guys, how will I tell 'I don't know hindi' in hindi"
Vinu : " 'Know' in hindi is 'maloom'. But don't know the hindi of 'don't know'".
CP : "Yeah that will do, rest I will take care".
Then he looked at the waiter.
CP : "Hindi maloom". Then he started shaking head from left to right and then right to left. "Hindi maloom" head shake..."Hindi maloom" head shake. This continued for a few seconds.
The poor guy took a minute or so to really understand what CP was trying to say. But in the end CP's brain power did work. No wonder he's the class topper.
Meanwhile the God conversation went nowhere.
@Vinu: What's the fun without a little bit exaggeration :D
Seems, you forgot the the whole sequence.
Actually, the waiter came to me and started talking in hindi. seeing my difficulty in understanding his language, CP came forward as a hero, and asked the waiter to repeat what ever he had told to me. The rest is as you wrote.
Once me and my friend went to NOKIA service center for his cell phone to be repaired.. The conversation between man at counter and my friend is as follows:
Service Man : "@#$@^&^^* &*$%%" (I can't write as it was in telugu)
Friend(Just like Hero replied) : "Tamil nahi aata.."
Service Man : "Ye tamil nahi telugu hai."
Friend (now replied overconfidentaly) : "Woh bhi nahi aata.."
Hehe good one
if I had helped them, this blog wouldn't have been possible in the first place :P