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Showing posts from July, 2009

Guys day out

Sometime around last month, some of us had gone lappie shopping. Me and Vinu had been planning to buy a lappie for sometime now. On that day we were joined by Anand, Ajitav, Nazeem and Kukri. Though he didn't come, the person who was most enthusiastic that I get a lappie was my roomie Sheiku. Not that he cared two hoots about my lappie, but he was finally going to see a day when his lappie would be free from my evil clutches. The poor guy had a tough time, for the past one year, trying to dislodge me from the front of his laptop. There were also rumors that he had tried to rent a bulldozer to kick me out, but apparently the security guys at the main gate reportedly stopped him and said he needs to get permission from the Dean of human affairs, for issues related to kicking out irritating roomies. All day long he was encouraging me to go and buy my lappie, even offering me goodies like if I do manage to get hold of my own lappie, he would sponsor a dinner for me. Heights of desperat...

A homework half done is a homework not done

For the last one week, I had been attending a 6-day course of Art of Living (AOL). Not that I have any hope that I am going to be any better than what I was before the course. Let's just say it is this small curiosity to know what actually these guys teach. But I must say I am pretty impressed by what I have been experiencing throughout the course and, I feel, if practiced daily, will certainly be beneficial. But being the lazy guy that I am, that's just going to remain a pipe dream. The course is being conducted by a person called Salil. He is one of the many AOL teachers. This guy has a tremendous sense of humor (and I must say, after meeting some other AOL teachers, this strait seems to be a common one among all of them). He explains things in such a lucid and funny way that whatever he says, will get registered in our heads (including my dumb one) for a very long time. At the end of each day, each of us is given a homework to complete. One such homework that was given was ...

Fun with GD

Note : Thanks to Akshat and Ladha for the data to write this blog :-) This week we had a workshop on GD (Group Discussion) conducted by a reputed institute. As a part of this workshop, the students were asked to divide among themselves into groups of 8. There were around 4-5 topics that were taken up during the GD session. I would like to mention some of the interesting points that junta came up during the GD discussions. One of the topics that were given for discussion was "MF Hussein had painted Hitler in nude. He claimed Hitler deserved it. Then he painted Indian goddesses in nude. So does MF Hussein deserve to be welcome back to our country" Before the GD started, the moderator had a few things to say "In a GD, we should be shameless. That is, we should not hesitate to say what we want. Do not think what others will think of you, just say it." And then the GD started. The GD started well. Junta started discussing points for and against the topic. A few minutes p...