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Showing posts from March, 2009

To believe or not to believe

"Do you believe in God or not, Yes or No" , Naveen wanted to know. "I don't believe in the concept of a person sitting above us and presiding over us" , said Vinu. He was not the one to give up easily. "I am not asking whether you believe in God as a person or the different forms of God that exists today. All I am asking is do you believe in the concept of a power that science is unable to explain" , Naveen asked, trying to coax a definite answer from Vinu. "I believe that Love is God" , Vinu said. "So u believe in God" "Love is God" "So it's a Yes" "Love is God" "So it is a yes right?" "Love is God" "Da poda" , Naveen said irritated. "Ok, lemme put it this way, have you ever gone to a temple" . "Of course" , said Vinu "Aha there you are" , Naveen said, excited. "May I know why" "To watch girls" ,prompt came the answer f...

Love letter

First the big news...I stood third in the love letter writing competition for PG Fest 2009, which concluded this week. Possible Reasons: 1) Only 3 entries were there to be judged from. 2) Some other guy named Sree Shankar is present in the campus who must have actually written a good love letter. 3) It might have actually been a "How not to write a love letter" competition. Actually this was the first time I have ever written a love letter. And where does it end up? In some GUY's inbox. Why? We had to mail our entries to a guy who is supposedly one of the judges. I must be the first STRAIGHT guy in this world to have written my first love letter to a guy. Hope no one else get to have such rotten luck. Given below is the "love letter" I wrote. Read it at your own risk. Don't say I didn't warn you. Anyone with a weak heart, your journey ends right here. Others, all the best in case you have decided to read it. Since this is my first love letter, I dedicate...

The X scare

In our first semester we had an assignment based on a tool (let's call it X) . The stupid thing was soo confusing that most of us had to spent some sleepless nights breaking our heads over this. When we realized that we were going to go nowhere this way, we decided to split the tasks among ourselves and each person would try to solve one task each instead of everyone trying to do the same thing. Thus when someone somehow finds out how to do a particular task, he shares his method with everyone else. In this way we somehow managed to submit the assignment before the deadline. This was just before the Diwali holidays. Soon afterwards the Diwali holidays started and most of us went home, had a great "break" from studies and returned afresh (Some poor guys like me had to stay back due to the long time it will take to reach our hometowns). A few days after the classes resumed, some of us were having our lunch in the hostel mess. Suddenly Akshat said "Hey did you hear that...

Seenu,Teenu and Tree

All characters mentioned below are fictional and any resemblance to anyone, especially to any of my classmates, is purely co-incidental. This story pays "tribute" to a lady's noble endeavor to increase the language vocabulary of students in a particular institute. Let's call this lady Teenu. The story is about how Teenu tries to teach malayalam to her friend Seenu and how Teenu gets a little help from her classmate Tree Trunker in the process. Tree Trunker is a first year computer science Mtech student in IIT Bombay. He is a good boy......I mean a very good boy.....I mean a fantastic boy. (Again I have to emphasize that the characters mentioned have no resemblance whatsoever with anyone alive). Most of the time Tree is free. So free that his email id itself is One day, as usual, Tree was whiling away his time when suddenly he saw his classmate Seenu's status message "Ente aniyante peru Manoj ennu aanu" (My bro's name is Manoj)...

Swimming and me

Ever since I came to IIT, I wanted to learn swimming. Why?Well for one, I suck at swimming, the obvious reason being I don't know how to swim. Another reason was that when it comes to water, my body defies the laws of physics. How? Well according to the laws of physics, any round object fully filled with air should float in water. But somehow my body doesn't want to follow this law making my life all the more difficult. Some body eh? So, armed with all the above "compelling" reasons I had made this grand plan that by the time I graduate from here, Michael Phelps will beg me not to compete with him for the next Olympics. The very next day, after I entered the sacred portals of IIT, I joined the swimming club. Though it burned a Rs.100 hole in my pocket, it bothered me the least. Where else can one go to learn swimming for Rs.100 per semester. Well here ends the happy part of the story. Now starts the sad part. As soon as I filled up the membership form, I was asked to...