"Do you believe in God or not, Yes or No" , Naveen wanted to know. "I don't believe in the concept of a person sitting above us and presiding over us" , said Vinu. He was not the one to give up easily. "I am not asking whether you believe in God as a person or the different forms of God that exists today. All I am asking is do you believe in the concept of a power that science is unable to explain" , Naveen asked, trying to coax a definite answer from Vinu. "I believe that Love is God" , Vinu said. "So u believe in God" "Love is God" "So it's a Yes" "Love is God" "So it is a yes right?" "Love is God" "Da poda" , Naveen said irritated. "Ok, lemme put it this way, have you ever gone to a temple" . "Of course" , said Vinu "Aha there you are" , Naveen said, excited. "May I know why" "To watch girls" ,prompt came the answer f...