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Showing posts from 2009

The rise of the king

Disclaimer : A purely "imaginary" story with "imaginary" characters. On one fine saturday morning, the whole of H12 was shaking. Whoa, what was happening? Is it an earthquake? Did some terrorist manage to infiltrate our campus and throw a bomb? Did Ladha fall in the bathroom again? Many possibilities. No answer. I quickly opened the door to investigate the reason. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect what I saw next. The whole corridor was filled with students running in a particular direction. And by students I mean both boys and girls!!! "Whoa, so many girls in a boys hostel on a Saturday morning???" I happened to hear a bit of conversation of 2 students who were running along with the crowd. "Run fast lest we won't be able to get a glimpse of him" "But where is he staying?" "I don't know yaar, just follow the crowd. Everyone is running to see him only" I couldn't understand what was happening. I asked this q...

MTP stories

Disclaimer : Some parts of this blog is contributed by Ajinkya Joshi It's project season in IITB. We need to submit our stage 1 of our MTech project (MTP) by this month end. All the class geeks are so busy with their project reports submission that it's been ages since I have seen some of their faces, apart from the coincidental meetings in the boys' restroom. In order to evaluate how the situation of our class is in this hectic month, let us look at how some of our folks are doing their MTP. Names have been changed to protect the identity of these people. The first in the list is Mr CurryPurry. So how is Mr CurryPurry doing his MTP...well let's see how One fine saturday morning "Knock knock" . Someone knocking at my door. I open the door. Standing outside is Mr CurryPurry. Me : " Hello Mr CurryPurry, what can I do for you " Curry : " Hello Mr Sree Shankar, I need your help " Me : " Anytime Mr Curry. Go on. Tell me how can I help you ...

Salsa night

One fine day, or rather night, as I was "busy" doing my MTP (theoretically MTech Project, practically Mega Time Pass) , I got a call on my mobile. It was our dear old Rishi. "Oyee Sree, daer ho raha hei, jaldi aana" Me : "Kaha jaane ki baath kar raha hei bhai" Rishi : "aree bhool gaya kya...aaj Salsa ka workshop hei na" Me : "aree ha bhool gaya mei. Nehi yaar tu ja. Mei MTP kar raha hu" Rishi : "Kya MTP be. Ye salsa hei salsa. Har roz dekhne ko nehi milthe" Me : "Na yaar MTP" Rishi : "Dance seekhne ko milega" Me (tempted, but firm) : "hmm...naaaa...MTP" Rishi : "H11 se sabi aayenge" (Hostel 11 [H11] is the PG ladies hostel in IITB) Me (more tempted, but still firm): "hmmmmm....hmmmmmmm....naaaaaaa....MTP" Rishi : "Unke saath dance bhi karne ka mauka milega" Me : "Aisa hei kya. Sahi biduuu. MTP chale bhaad mei. Chalooooooooooo" We were joined in our salsa qu...

Life in 3rd semester cannot get more hectic than this!!! So busy that it's been ages since I wrote my last blog. Now finally managed to find some time to write some crap. In this semester each day starts agonizingly early (8:30 am!!!. Man, I really want to kick the ass of the guy who made this timetable. Making students see the inside of a classroom before the sun rises should come under IPC 302 and the person who made this timetable must be awarded capital punishment. By the way sun rises at 10 am in IITB). My daily routine goes as follows :- Get up at 8:15 am, then dress up and start eating breakfast by 8:30 am and then reach the class at 8:50 am (for the 8:30 am class). 10 minutes goes into relaxing under the fan after the marathon you just completed to reach the class from hostel. After 10 minutes of relaxation when you are really ready to now listen to what the prof is saying, he would have already covered half the lecture. Since I don't have this bad habit of revising what was ta...

Morning blues

"UUAAAAAAAA"...."UUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I sprang up from my bed. "Wha wha what happened what happened...". I looked around my room. Nothing. "Did India just conduct it's 3rd nuclear test outside my hostel room ?????", I thought to myself. I looked out of the window. Just a few pigeons practising their shitting skills on some poor chap's clothes below. The nuclear test seemed to be the only possible explanation. Nothing else could sound so loud to awaken the sleeping giant. I stood still for sometime trying to hear the sound again. Silence. Hmm maybe just a bad dream I guess. I looked at the watch. It was only 8:45 in the morning. There is still a lot of time left for the first lecture. It starts only at 9:30. Who bothers about getting up now. And back to sleep I went. "UUAAAAAAAAAAA.........UUAAAAAAAAAAAA" "What the ****...". I got out of my bed. " Definitely not my dream. No one makes such stupid noise in my dreams. ...

Guys day out

Sometime around last month, some of us had gone lappie shopping. Me and Vinu had been planning to buy a lappie for sometime now. On that day we were joined by Anand, Ajitav, Nazeem and Kukri. Though he didn't come, the person who was most enthusiastic that I get a lappie was my roomie Sheiku. Not that he cared two hoots about my lappie, but he was finally going to see a day when his lappie would be free from my evil clutches. The poor guy had a tough time, for the past one year, trying to dislodge me from the front of his laptop. There were also rumors that he had tried to rent a bulldozer to kick me out, but apparently the security guys at the main gate reportedly stopped him and said he needs to get permission from the Dean of human affairs, for issues related to kicking out irritating roomies. All day long he was encouraging me to go and buy my lappie, even offering me goodies like if I do manage to get hold of my own lappie, he would sponsor a dinner for me. Heights of desperat...

A homework half done is a homework not done

For the last one week, I had been attending a 6-day course of Art of Living (AOL). Not that I have any hope that I am going to be any better than what I was before the course. Let's just say it is this small curiosity to know what actually these guys teach. But I must say I am pretty impressed by what I have been experiencing throughout the course and, I feel, if practiced daily, will certainly be beneficial. But being the lazy guy that I am, that's just going to remain a pipe dream. The course is being conducted by a person called Salil. He is one of the many AOL teachers. This guy has a tremendous sense of humor (and I must say, after meeting some other AOL teachers, this strait seems to be a common one among all of them). He explains things in such a lucid and funny way that whatever he says, will get registered in our heads (including my dumb one) for a very long time. At the end of each day, each of us is given a homework to complete. One such homework that was given was ...

Fun with GD

Note : Thanks to Akshat and Ladha for the data to write this blog :-) This week we had a workshop on GD (Group Discussion) conducted by a reputed institute. As a part of this workshop, the students were asked to divide among themselves into groups of 8. There were around 4-5 topics that were taken up during the GD session. I would like to mention some of the interesting points that junta came up during the GD discussions. One of the topics that were given for discussion was "MF Hussein had painted Hitler in nude. He claimed Hitler deserved it. Then he painted Indian goddesses in nude. So does MF Hussein deserve to be welcome back to our country" Before the GD started, the moderator had a few things to say "In a GD, we should be shameless. That is, we should not hesitate to say what we want. Do not think what others will think of you, just say it." And then the GD started. The GD started well. Junta started discussing points for and against the topic. A few minutes p...

The real happiness

A typical placement scenario in a highly reputed institute. "Hey Ramesh what happened dude, why you looking so sad" (in a sad tone) "Na nothing yaar, just didn't get the company I wanted" "But I thought they offered you 6 lac per annum. That is a good salary buddy." "Yeah that's right...but 6 lac per annum is too low. All others got better salaries than me" Scene shifts to a nearby slum "Hey Muthu you look so happy" Muthu replies in a very ecstatic manner, " O yes I am so happy today...a kind man gave me a packet of biscuits to eat....whew they are soo tasty...especially after being hungry for last two days. Here you too take some." How many of us can say that a packet of biscuit can brighten up our day. I don't think many among us. But for Muthu, it was a gift straight from heaven. If a packet of biscuit can bring a smile to Muthu, why does having a 6 lac per annum not make Ramesh happy. Why is that we have forgo...

Comedy of errors

Disclaimer : Conversations below are mostly imaginary though the incident is real It's been one week since I have been lazing around in Trivandrum with nothing much to do other than eat, sleep, sleep, eat...not that it was much different when I was in campus, but somehow the eating factor has increased exponentially high, ever since I came home, and still going strong without showing any signs of stabilization. Maybe the thought that after one more week I have to face the hostel mess again, must be acting as a catalyst(and a very strong one) to gulp down whatever good stuffs are available at home. Once I return, it's back to the mess torture once again for the next 6 months. 2 days back my uncle Hari mama had paid me a visit. During the casual talk that we were having, he told me about a funny incident that happened to Kannan, his son and my cousin, recently. Kannan is a first year engineering student. Hari mama is the district magistrate in a place called Attingal. Being a mag...

Skit wits

Disclaimer : High dose of imagination added to real life incidents We had our dept valfi (ie, validaetory function) for the passing out Mtech and Btech students a couple of weeks back. As a part of valfi, some of us :- Neha, Akash, Akshat, Krishna, Aaditya, Ladha and me, had decided to perform a short skit. The skit's theme was " What would have been the first day in IIT for some of our seniors ". We had handpicked some seniors, on whom we could make a skit on. Now the director of our skit was Neha. She's one tough director I must say. One growling look from her is enough to get everyone's attention. She had the prepared script in her hand and was telling each of our actors what they have to do. Neha (to Akash) : "Your character is a music loving guy and has been in IITB for one year now. So when he enters the class, he sees many new students and starts singing 'Aao naye panchiyo' " Akash : "Magar panchi kaha hei" Neha : "Oye bhudh...

My quest for food

Most of our lives we keep running after money. But sometimes experience shows us that money can't buy everything. There will be occasions when it won't be worth the paper it is printed on. Well I had once such experience today. The summer vacations are on in IITB. All the students have returned home for two and a half months vacations. Well almost all. The Mtech guys have no such good fortune. Apart from some 10-15 days, we have to continue to stay in the campus and "work" on our Mtech project. O hell yeah work we certainly do. We work on "LOST", we work on "FRIENDS" and most importantly we work on our thesis "How to sleep beyond 12 hours". Since most of the students are not in campus, almost all the hostel messes have been closed for vacation. Out of the very few open hostel messes, I have my food at H12 mess. There we can take a 15 day card for Rs 825. As usual I got up today morning at 9 am. I then washed my face, brushed my teeth, ...

The great CSE debate

CAUTION : There may be many grammer mistakes in the hindi conversations below. Many of my friends in my batch are specializing in different fields of computer science namely databases, networks, operating systems etc. Now let's imagine a situation where these guys are talking about their area of specialization. Let's see what happens. The scene is the DMC lab. As usual Adil, Guruji(Akshat), Chotu(Prashima), Riju are some of the many DMCers in the lab. Suddenly... Adil : "Aree yaar, databases nehi hota tho ye zindagi bhi kya zindagi hota" [Dude, what is this life without databases] Guruji : "Networks kya kuch kam hei...tu internet ke bina jee sakthe ho kya?" [Whoa as if networks is not good enough...can u imagine a life without internet?] Adil : "Magar internet ka data store karne ke liye databases chahiye na..." [But then you need a database to store the internet's right] Guruji : "Internet hi nehi hei tho tu database ka kya ukaat leega ...

Wireless troubles

Disclaimer: As usual, a highly exaggerated version of some true incidents "Abee darwaza khol" [Open the door] No use. It takes more than that to awaken the sleeping giant (me). "Kamine dharwaza khol nehi tho thod daloonga" [Open the door else I will break it open] The bang on the door just kept growing louder and louder till I knew the resistance level of my door was about to be breached after which my room would have got the dubious distinction of being the only room in the hostel with natural ventilation (ie, no door). Now I wouldn't want such a situation would I? Me (in my sleepy condition) : "Abee bhen**** mere darwaaza ko chod. Mei aa raha hu" [ Leave my door alone. I am coming] On opening the door, I find Vishal standing outside, grinning at me. Me : "Kya be, mere darwaaze se kuch panga hei kya tuche?" [You have any problems with my door?] Vishal : "Wire hei kya tere paas" [You have any wires?] Though Vishal and me were conver...

To believe or not to believe

"Do you believe in God or not, Yes or No" , Naveen wanted to know. "I don't believe in the concept of a person sitting above us and presiding over us" , said Vinu. He was not the one to give up easily. "I am not asking whether you believe in God as a person or the different forms of God that exists today. All I am asking is do you believe in the concept of a power that science is unable to explain" , Naveen asked, trying to coax a definite answer from Vinu. "I believe that Love is God" , Vinu said. "So u believe in God" "Love is God" "So it's a Yes" "Love is God" "So it is a yes right?" "Love is God" "Da poda" , Naveen said irritated. "Ok, lemme put it this way, have you ever gone to a temple" . "Of course" , said Vinu "Aha there you are" , Naveen said, excited. "May I know why" "To watch girls" ,prompt came the answer f...

Love letter

First the big news...I stood third in the love letter writing competition for PG Fest 2009, which concluded this week. Possible Reasons: 1) Only 3 entries were there to be judged from. 2) Some other guy named Sree Shankar is present in the campus who must have actually written a good love letter. 3) It might have actually been a "How not to write a love letter" competition. Actually this was the first time I have ever written a love letter. And where does it end up? In some GUY's inbox. Why? We had to mail our entries to a guy who is supposedly one of the judges. I must be the first STRAIGHT guy in this world to have written my first love letter to a guy. Hope no one else get to have such rotten luck. Given below is the "love letter" I wrote. Read it at your own risk. Don't say I didn't warn you. Anyone with a weak heart, your journey ends right here. Others, all the best in case you have decided to read it. Since this is my first love letter, I dedicate...

The X scare

In our first semester we had an assignment based on a tool (let's call it X) . The stupid thing was soo confusing that most of us had to spent some sleepless nights breaking our heads over this. When we realized that we were going to go nowhere this way, we decided to split the tasks among ourselves and each person would try to solve one task each instead of everyone trying to do the same thing. Thus when someone somehow finds out how to do a particular task, he shares his method with everyone else. In this way we somehow managed to submit the assignment before the deadline. This was just before the Diwali holidays. Soon afterwards the Diwali holidays started and most of us went home, had a great "break" from studies and returned afresh (Some poor guys like me had to stay back due to the long time it will take to reach our hometowns). A few days after the classes resumed, some of us were having our lunch in the hostel mess. Suddenly Akshat said "Hey did you hear that...